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本科毕业设计 (20 届) 基于IEEE802.16d的WiMAX接收机物理层的Matlab仿真实现 所在学院 专业班级 通信工程 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 年 月 摘 要 【摘要】本文主要介绍了OFDM技术的发展历程、OFDM系统的优势以及其应用,还阐述性的介绍了OFDM系统的基本原理及其在Matlab中的仿真实现。在介绍OFDM原理的同时,还简单介绍了OFDM系统中的一些关键性的技术,主要包括了符号保护间隔的插入、导频符号的产生与插入、同步技术、信道编码等。,编写了一个具有发射和接收基本功能的OFDM系统;再在这个系统的基础上加入信道编码模块系统加入多径信道模块系统;最后是考虑实际传输时,发送的不会是单帧数据以及传输出现错码时系统所具有的反应,基于此考虑,在OFDM系统加入了多帧数据发送模块和错码重发模块。本文中,对于OFDM系统设计中的一些关键性的Matlab函数也做了简单的说明介绍。OFDM技术;信道编码;多径信道;多帧发送;错码重发。 Abstract 【ABSTRACT】This paper s the develop history of the key technology about IEEE802.16d WiMAX Receiver (Physics Level)-OFDM technology, the advantages of OFDM system and its application, the principle of OFDM systems and its Matlab simulation realization. By introducing the principle of OFDM technique, some key techniques of the OFDM system are briefly discussed, including guard symbol insertion, pilot symbols generation and insertion, synchronization, channel coding and so on. Firsrly, according to the physical layer of WiMAX transceiver block diagram, we composed a basic OFDM transmitter and receiver by using Matlab simulation; Secondly, channel coding module is added to the system to discuss the channel coding module performance of the whole system; Thirdly, we add the multi-path channel module and observe the multi-path channel module performance of the sysrem; And finally, system bit error rate are analyzed. Considering that, in a real WiMAX communication, data won’t be transmitted in a single frame and system will re-act to error codes, multi-frame data transmission module and error-code re-transmission module are composed into the simulation platform. Some key Matlab functions used in the OFDM system are also discussed. 【KEYWORDS】OFDM technology; channel coding; multipath channel; multi-frame transmission; error code retransmission. 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1 WiMAX物理层技术-OFDM的发展 1 1.2 OFDM技术的优势 2 1.3 OFDM技术的不足 2 1.4 课


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