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⑨ ⑨ 硕士学位论文 MASTER’S 1HE$1S 者用于表示尊称,而英语第二人称只有一种形式you。只能间接用其他人称的方 式来表示礼貌和尊称。(3)评价系统中,英语语篇多强调主观的情感和判断,汉语 则侧重对客观事物的欣赏。综上所述,两种语篇之间存在的不同点从不同角度、 不同程度、不同范围反映了两种语言的特点和不同文化背景的影响。 通过以上的分析讨论,笔者希望运用人际意义进行尝试性的分析能对旅游宣 传资料语篇的研究是一个有益的补充。同时希望这一研究能够加深读者对旅游宣 传资料语篇的理解,使读者更好韵了解旅游宣传资料语篇中人际意义的词汇语法 体现方式以此来成功地实现交际目的。 笔者认为本文的不足之处在于,鉴于语料和时间的限制,一些与人际意义和 语篇分析相关的内容没有涉及到,如人际修辞和语旨,因此本文的分析并不是十 分详尽和完善,未来还有大量工作可以做。 关键词:旅游宣传资料;话语对比分析;人际意义:实现方式 ABSTRACTOne ABSTRACT One of the most important function of language is interpersonal function. Interpersonal meaning is a term drawn from Halliday’S Systemic Functional C.iralnnlar. It refers to how we 1】se language to interact with other establish and maintain relations with influence their behavior,to express our own viewpoints on things in the world and to elicit or change other’S opinions.According to Halliday,the realization of interpersonal meaning is typically fulfilled by mood and modality.While many other researchers demonstrate that Halliday does not exhaust all the linguistic devices which early the interpersonal meaning.That is tO say,the theoretical framework of interpersonal meaning should be supplemented and the means of realizing interpersonal meaning call be multiple.Martin takes appraisal system as an important means to realize interpersonal meaning.In addition,the research of Professor Li Zhanzi is the most outstanding one.She claims that there ale other linguistic means to realize interpersonal meaning,such as person system,t911se,direct quotations,appraisal system etc. On the basis of interpersonal meaning theories including the work of Halliday, Martin and Li Zhanzi,this thesis aims to make a contrast between Chinese and English tourist publicity materials through mood,modality and other means to realize interpersonal meaning,To ensure the reliability and validity of the study,both quantitative and qualitative analysis are employed SO as to examine how and to what extent Chinese and English tourist publicity materials are


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