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In recent years, China has achieved rapid development in the field of optical engineering, and the explosive growth of the intelligent terminal products especially triggered the escalation and reform of the optical lens industry. From Feb.12th to July.18th in 2014, the author worked as the interpreter and business assistant for the foreign clients in the Optical Division of Jiangxi Lianchuang Electronic Co., Ltd. The main task of this practice was the workshop on-site interpretation of the optical lens processing engineering. This report gives a detailed description of and reflection on this interpreting practice from an interpreter’s perspective.
The report consists of four parts. Firstly, the author make a brief introduction to the background and requirements of the practice including the company profile, major clients, interpreting practice forms and the conditions of the engineering site. Next comes the description of the whole interpreting process, which mainly covers the preparation for the interpreting, workshop practice, the content and process of the activitiy. Then the author lists the detailed presentation of the difficulties encountered in the interpreting and their countermeasures as well as some supplementary skills acquired from her personal experiences. The last part of the report contains the evaluation and feedback to the author’s performance from both the foreign clients and leaders of LCE, and also her own reflection on the practice. In addition, the author analyzes the problems to be resolved and her own weaknesses, thereby seeking the ways for improvement.
The author emphasizes that, besides the solid bilingual ability, a successful interpreting activity comes from a perfect combination of the sufficient preparation, related professional knowledge, strong psycho-physiological quality, flexible analysis ability and good expressive ability. The report finally points out that, for the students from MTI program, actual interpreting pr
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