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汉英数字的比较研究[内容提要] 汉英数字的比较研究 [内容提要] [摘要]:作为语言的重要组成部分,汉英数字已在不知不觉中渗透到人们生活 的方方面面。数不仅作为计算的工具,它还承载着不同民族丰富的文化信息, 形成了一种特殊的文化现象。本文从文化视角进行汉英数字的比较研究。基于 前人的理论和典型例子,作者分析了数字的文化涵义,并揭示了数字植根于文 化的范围之广、程度之深。汉英数字异同的探索主要涉及它们各自自身的文化 背景、特征以及对社会风俗习惯和语言的影响。从修辞角度来说,数字也用在 ’比较、夸张、委婉等不同方面。这从另一角度表现出两种语言中数字使用的不 同文化涵义。本文提到的四种翻译涉及数字词语的方法,目的在于使汉英两种 语言的形式和意义达到和谐的统一。总之,作者通过比较汉英数字的用法及其 翻译技巧,旨在帮助读者在跨文化交际中更好地理解并使用两种语言。 [关键词]:数字,比较,跨文化交际 A A Comparative Study of Chinese&English Numbers Abstract:As an important part of language,numbers have penetrated unconsciously into people’S 1ife in every asDeel.A number iS not only used越a counting and calculating tool,but carries rich culturalinformation of different nations.This P印er is devoted to a comparative study of nunabers between Chinese and English from a CROSS—cultural approach.On the basis of the accepted theories and typical examples, the author analyzes the cultural connotations of numbers,and reveals how extensively and profoundly numbers are ingrained in English culture and Chinese culture respectively.The similarities and differences of numbers in Chinese and English explored.mainly conceming the aspeels of their respective cultural backgrounds,properties and effects on social customs and languages.Rhetorically, nunabers are used for comparison,hyperbole,euphemism,etc.and display different cultural connotations in the two languages.Four strategies of translating expressions with numbers are suggested in a cross.cultural perspective to retain the form and content of a certain expression in the source language in maximum manneL All iIl a11.the author tries to prove that the comparison of Chinese and English numbers will help readers to understand and use the two languages more appropriately in jntercultural communication. Key Words:number,English,Chinese,intercultural communication 譬769253ACKNoWLEDGEMENTS 譬769253 ACKNoWLEDGEMENTS My sincere thanks will go to my dear advisor Professor Lin Dajin Without his great help and the materials he has offered to me



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