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Stress modulation using Si-based optical microring resonator Abstract
With the development and application needs of Micro-opto-electro mechanical system
(MOEMS) sensor in the areas of military engineering, aerospace, navigation, space exploration and so on, optical micro-ring resonator, as one of core components of MOEMS mechanical sensors, has important research value and application prospects in information acquisition (stress/strain), information transmission(optical communication/optical interconnects), information processing (optical transceiver module) field. Its “light-force” sensitive nature is an important foundation to complete the high sensitivity of mechanical signals detection and for realizing miniaturization and integration research of the embedded MOEMS optical force-sensitive sensors has great significance. So, the research on “light-force” sensing properties using Si-based optical micro-ring resonator was carried out.
In this paper, a new stress-modulation mechanism of optical micro-ring resonator was proposed and researched, theoretically. The influence of characteristic parameters of the whispering gallery mode on the test signal was analyzed. The resonant spectrum shift of optical micro-ring resonator was proportional to the stress obtained, and the stress detection sensitivity of the structure was related to the initial radius and the effective refractive index of the waveguide.
In this paper, a new optical micro-ring resonator with cantilever beam was designed, and “light-force” sensitive units of the structure were analyzed by using optical simulation software FDTD, R-soft and Comsol, to achieve the optimal design of the size and performance of optical micro-ring resonator. The use of L-Edit completed the layout production of optical micro-ring resonator, which preparation processing of sensitive units was discussed, designed, and ultimately completed the preparation of optical micro-ring resonator sensitive units
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