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AbstractThe Abstract The cold re,on is concentrate for plantingjaponica rice in China_The rice varieties 0ines) which planted in Heilongjiang province in recent years were used and the method ofcorrelation analysis ofblast-resistance and rice quality and contrast experiment were adopted in this proje蛾.The influence ofvariety.rice blast and nitrogen element the quality ofearly Japonica rice wag studied.The purpose wag to provide theoriticfl basis and mchnicai support for higII qIlali巧rice varieties b∞酣ing and cultivation techniques in cold regio“The main msnits follows: 1.The influence ofvariety,rice blast and nitrogen element the quality ofearly Japonica Pdce,rice varieties rice q啪lity of e甜ly ripenjaponica rice in cold region is the is rice blast and nitrogen element. 2.The variability coefficients ofchaikiness has great difference among early-ripening and later-ripening varieties,except for mid-ripaning varifies.The amplitude ofamylose content is normal distribution,its majorpeakpositionisat 18.O%t0 18.9%.Thehighertheprotein contentis,theworstofthetaste quality is.It is positive correlation between gel consistency and taste quality. 3.The varieties have strong disease-resistant and superior quality when the ratio ofgrain length tO broad is overl.8.Thelowertheprotein contentis,the strongerthericeblast resistanceis.Theproteincontent is positively correlated tO leafblast.The correlation coefficient is O.284.In order tO breed varieties with superior taste qua/ity and strong disease-resistance,the comprehensive technology must be used tO break the gene linkage between the rice blast and taste quaiity.The varieties Songjin96,Songjin@, Wuyouda03,Longda03,Kendaol0,Lon商ingl2 and Longjingl4玳major cultivars and good germplasm resources in Heilongjiang Province. 4.The regulative function of nitrogen element nutrition moat be taken into account in production and varieties improvement.Protein is greatly effeeted by nitrogen element nutrifioIl,next is gel consisten


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