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The tungsten deposit of Shi Renzhang in Guang Dong belongs to medium-sized tungsten deposit. On account of mining for a long time, mineral resources consumed, and the deposit is part of the mine in the type of resources in a crisis. It is extremely urgent that we should look for new resource, then augment reserves of the tungsten resource of the mine.
Wolframite of quartz vein type has always been the only ore minine in the mining area for a long time. In recent years, it is found that tungsten polymetallic mineralization and scheelite mineralization in the type of greisen in the quartz vein and the surrounding rock.
This paper has a systematic classification and research on the greisen of tungsten deposit of Shi Renzhang, focused on the mineralization phenomena and geological and geochemical
characteristics of the largest greisen in the type of vein aside and surface; discussed the diversity of tungsten mineralization, there are some major results as following:
(1)According to the output characteristics, the greisen of tungsten deposit of Shi Renzhang
can be divided into three types: greisen of vein side, greisen of surface type and greisen of vein type. Among them, greisen of vein side is the largest one, greisen of surface type takes second place, the greisen of vein type we found is very few on present, output only in the form of fine.
(2)Greisen has the zoing from the quartzs vein side to granite: glimmerite or quartzite →
micaceous quartzite or quartzose greisen → normal greisen → weak greisenization granite →
normal granite.
(3)The intensity of greisenization is uneven, Generally greisenization is more intensity,
when it is more closed to the quartz vein; The degree of greisenization is higher as wolframite and other metal minerals in the greisen develops; The mineralization of greisen is much better with the development of wolframite in the quartz vein aside.
(4)In the acidic fluid, which is rich in potassium oxide, aluminum oxi
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