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摘 摘 要 摘 摘 要 摘 要 随着电子信息技术的快速发展和和电子产品更新换代速度的加快,电子废弃物数 量迅速增长,对电子废弃物的回收、处理和资源化利用的研究己经成为全世界关注的 问题。在电子废弃物资源化利用的过程中,回收是一个关键环节,只有把电子废弃物 适当的回收和处理,才能有效的控制环境污染。因此,解决电子废弃物的回收网络体 系问题是电子废弃物回收和资源化利用的关键。 在总结国内外电子废弃物回收处理研究和应用现状的基础上,探讨电子废弃物回 收物流研究的相关内容与理论基础,提出基于循环经济的电子废弃物回收物流网络模 型:其次,通过实地调研和专家咨询相结合的方法,对广西电子废弃物的回收处置现 状进行分析,指出广西电子废弃物回收处置存在的主要问题:再次,采用ARMA模型 等时间序列预测方法,对主要的电子电器产品的销售量进行预测,并根据各种电子电 器产品的使用年限,采用分时段按比例废弃的方法,对广西电子废弃物的总量、时间 变化和空间分布进行预测分析:最后,应用多区位选址模型,构建广西电子废弃物回 收物流网络,即在广西建立 4 个回收中心,2 个拆解/检测中心和 1 个最终处理厂的三 级回收网络模式,并提出相应的对策建议。 在充分考虑电子废弃物回收物流特点的前提下,选择混合整数线性规划模型作为 设计电子废弃物回收物流网络的工具,为广西电子废弃物回收物流网络的构建与具体 应用提供了理论支撑和决策依据。 关键词:电子废弃物:回收物流网络:ARMA模型:多区位选址模型 万方数据 – I – – – PAGE IV – 万方数据 – – PAGE III – 万方数据 Abstract With the fast development of electronic technology and the accelerating update speed of the electrical and electronic equipments, lots of electronic wastes are produced. Study on the recycling, disposal and utilization of electronic waste has become the concerned problem all over the world. During the process of resource utilization of electronic waste, recycling is a key link. Only if properly recycling and processing the electronic waste,the environmental pollution could be controlled effectively. Thus, the problem of the recycling system of electronic waste is the key to deal with the recycling and utilization of resources. Firstly, based on the research of the current situation of recycling electronic waste at home and abroad, the paper analyzes the content and the theoretical foundation in the study of recycling electronic waste, and then puts forward the recycling logistics network model for electronic waste based on the circular economy. Secondly, with the methods of spot investigation and expert consultation, the paper analyzes the recycling and processing situation of electronic waste in Guangxi, and then points out main problems in recycling and processing electronic waste in Guangxi. Thirdly, the paper forecasts the sales volume of the main electrical and electr


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