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首都师范大学硕士研究生论文 首都师范大学硕士研究生论文 汉代“主书”之吏考察 内容提要 本文以汉代“主书”之吏为研究对象,对“主书”之吏的队伍和日常活动进 行较为细致的考察,旨在说明“主书”之吏是我们研究促使汉代书法勃兴的诸因 素中不可忽视的因素之一。全文约四万字,分为四个部分。 第一部分集中讨论了“主书”之吏的历史渊源、类别和等级。从官制角度入 手,本部分试图对“主书”之吏的队伍构成进行较为全面的梳理。 第二部分是“主书”之吏的择取和社会地位。意在通过明确“主书”之吏与 封建社会政治生活的密不可分的关系,为考察“主书”之吏书写活动状况打下 基础。 第三部分较为详细地考察了“主书”之吏书写活动状况。对“主书”之吏社 会的实务性予以充分肯定,尽量充分地阐职“主书”之吏在当时社会得以存在和 壮大的必然性,从而说明他们在汉代政治文化生活中的特定地位。 本文最后一部分探讨了“主书”之吏的贡献及其在书写过程中对美的体现。 肯定了“主书”之吏在文字发展中所起的作用,同时也肯定了“主书”之吏在文 字书写过程中对审美价值的创造。 研究汉代在书法史上所具有的重要意义,我们不仅要关注两汉的名家,而且 也要关注下层“主书”之吏。在此基础上,立足于“主书”之吏书写活动的实务 性,从不同的角度全面地探讨与“主书”之吏群体相关的诸问题,尽量客观公正 地评价这一群体在汉代书法史上所具有的重要意义。 关键词:汉代 主书之吏 书写 隶变 首都师范大学硕士研究生论文 首都师范大学硕士研究生论文 汉代“主书”之吏考察 Abstract The subjects in the study are the officials who compiled“zhushu”in Han essay observes the group and their daily routines.with an aim to illustrate the fact that these of在cials served an undeniable purpose in the study of the flourishing development of the Han calligraphy.The essay consists of four sections,containing about 40,000 words. Section I discusses the historicaI background.classification and hierarchies of the officials.The writer tries to comb throuIgh the group’s constitution from the ranking perspective. SectionⅡdeals with the groups enrolling systems and their social status. building a basis for observing the group’s compiling work in the latter part,after revealing the close tie between the feudal social and political life and the omcials. Section HI elaborates the writing work of the officials.The essay fully recognizes the practical functions of the officials and attempts to clearly jdentify the reasous for the existence and development of the groups in order to state the special part they played in the specific Han period. The Iast section touches the contributions the omcials made to thezhu shu”compilation and their presentation of the feeling of beauty.Both the roles the group played in the development of Chinese characters and their creat


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