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II II 3.在果实糖、酸代谢动态方面,各柑橘品种在不同的气候区总糖、还原糖从果实 膨大期到成熟采收期,随果实发育差异不断增大;柠檬酸含量先升后降;糖酸比后期 升高。如宫本温州蜜柑还原糖含量在龙州试验点 7 月中下旬就达到高峰,而在石碑坪、 咸水试验点分别要到 8 月下旬、10 中旬才达到高峰。 4.不同气候区域对同一品种品质的影响均有不同表现。宫本温州蜜柑在桂南比桂 中、桂北表现出成熟早,但其果实内含物柠檬酸比较高,果实偏酸。从提高果实品质 角度来看,沙糖橘、南丰蜜橘、纽荷尔脐橙 3 个品种布局于桂中(石碑坪农场试验点) 比其它两地较有优势。 关键词:柑橘;品种;果实品质;气候;物候期 III III Effects of the quality of four citrus varieties on the different climatic zones in Guangxi Liao Xianjun (College of Agriculture,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China) ABSTRACT This study aimed at the observations of the phonological period,temperature and Rainfall as well as the dynamic analysis of fruit sugar and acid metabolism of 4citrus Varieties on three climate zones of Guibei,Guizhong and Guinan。And based on the Various climatic zones meteorological data,which the factors were analyzed and compared the effects of the metabolism of citrus fruit sugar and acid,the purpose was To find differences to provide scientific theoretical basis for the divisions the most suitable climatc zones of citrus varieties and harvest regulation,the results showed that: Results showed that 4 citrus cultivars behave differently in the phenology of the different test points, 4 Citrus Cultivars in different testing points phenology generally are from north to south, showing early state. In southern Guangxi and the laurel and Northern Guangxi, Wenzhou tangerine maturity than Gui Gui in Miyamoto and north respectively, early 67 and 84d respectively; mandarin orange early 35 and 51D; 11 and 26D respectively in advance of Nanfeng orange, Newhall Navel Orange respectively to 41 and 54d. The use of the same species in cultivation of different climatic regions, can realize the variety regulation. Temperature data and annual rainfall data show that from the north to the south, the annual average temperature three test points respectively, extreme temperature and extreme minimum temperature, various climatic zones are different. In terms of rainfall, the climate zone from the north to the


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