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PAGE PAGE 1 2015 海峽兩岸醫護、科技與人文學術研討會文稿撰寫格式體例 題目:醫學專業如何融入通識教育(18級字,置中) 摘 要(16級字,置中) 雖然通識教育的目的是培育學生一般知識,並啟發學生的人文素養及理性思考的能力;因此,……SARS發生期間和平醫院發生的封院事件前後的史實,並……達到本校「技術專業、人文關懷」的教育目標。(12級字,左右對齊) 關鍵詞:通識教育、新興傳染病、醫學人文、醫學倫理 Integration of Medical Humanities into Liberal Art Education(18級字,置中) Abstract(16級字,置中) The term liberal art denotes a curriculum that imparts general knowledge and develops the student’s rational thought and intellectual capabilities. However, …… (SARS) in 2003. ……These teaching materials should be useful in enhancing the integration of medical profession into liberal art curriculum. (12級字,靠左對齊) Key words: liberal art education, medical humanity, medical ethics, SARS 壹、研究方法(16級字,置中) 一、研究對象(14級字) 本研究以方便取樣抽取師大、輔大以及東吳三所大專院校甲乙組選手為對象,……。(12級字,左右對齊) 二、研究工具(14級字) (一)多層面完美主義量表(12級字,左右對齊) 多層面完美主義量表為測驗一個人完美主義的問卷完美主義心理下的六種結構: 1.個人標準 (1)……。 (2)……。 2.組織… 表1 表1 基本資料表(12級,齊表頭) n=80 基本資料 人數 百分比(%) 年齡(平均年齡為72.93歲) 65-70歲 71-75歲 25 14 31.25 17.50 圖1 圖1 民俗文物說明卡樣例(12級,置中) 參考文獻(16級字,置中) 林綺雲(1999)。社會學與醫護現象。台北:洪葉文化。(中文文獻12級字,左右對齊) Chang, W. T., Kao, C. L., Chung, M. Y., Chen, S. C., Lin, S. J., Chiang, W. C., et al. (2004). HYPERLINK /pubmedSARS exposure and emergency department workers. Emerg Infect Dis, 10(6), 1117-1119. (英文文獻12級字,靠左對齊) Instructions to Authors (revised December, 2005) = 1 \* ROMAN I. Central Taiwan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (CTJHSS) is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. This journal accepts original as well as review articles, written in either Chinese or English, in all aspects of Humanities and Social Sciences, and related field. Submission of a manuscript will be held to imply that the results reported have not been previously published and are not considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts may be submitted at any time and will be subjected to peer review as soon as possible upon receipt. II. Manuscript Format A. Manuscripts should be prepared using WORD software by following th


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