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摘要 有关市场营销的理论有很多种,但 4P(price. 严。由ct. place. promotion) 组合营销理论是其中的经典之作。本文的研究重点只是针对其中的 lP(place)展开 的。本文认为在家电行业同质化日趋严攘的情况下,独特的渠道战略可以有效地 保持海尔差异化的营销战略。最主要的原因在于家电行业的竞争激烈, 4P 中的 其它 3P 都面临着很大的同质化。只有营销渠道这一点对于家电制造商来说是其 独特的核心竞争力,因为渠道战略的最大难点在于它不易模仿,差异性明显。 ‘本文首先交代了文章的选题背景、研究目的和意义以及研究思路与方法。第 二部分是文章的理论回顾,着重介绍了有关营销渠道的概念、营销渠道的功能、 营销渠道的类型以及营销渠道的管理,试图在理论上给出一个清晰地指导意见。 第二部分主要分析了梅尔目前的营销环境,主要包括宏观环境分析、家电行业环 境分析以及梅尔自身微观环境分析。第四部分主要阐述了梅尔目前营销渠道的模 式以及存在的问题。第五部分主要提出了海尔在城市和农村市场应该采取的渠道 模式,以及梅尔如何才能在渠道战略方面做到排续的竞争优势,详细地阐述了相 关要素的重要性。最后是本文的研究结论和局限性以及对未来的展望。 ‘ 关键词z 梅尔渠道战略竞争优势核心竞争力 i也 ABSTRACT 、.‘ There are many kinds of marketing theori邸,加t4P(伽阳. product. place. promotion)ωmbination marketing tbωry is o? of the classic. 币le 即ticle mainly fωus on tre lP(place). This article ωnsicr;rs 伽 homoge?ity in the b:me 咽liance industry is becoming increasingly serious c幽e,伽Wlq?ue channel strategy can effectively maintain Haier differentiated marketing strategy. The main reason 扭曲at 由.ehome 叩pliance industrys com伊titive,3P are faced with 伽.e great homogeneity. Marketing channel is only one Wl?que key ωmωmpetitive for home appliance manufacturers ,bec刷se the channel s位耐gy is that it is n侃 easyωimitate and difficult,and the 4iversity of this 耐ategyisob飞 ous. First,咀le article explain the backgrOlmd to 伽 su时ect of the article,on the purpose and meani吨, and methods. The second part is the thωretical review article, focuses on theωncept of marketing channels,marketing channel fimction, the type of marketing channels and mar如ting channel management ,1attempted to give a clear gui由nce in theoretic al1y. 咀le third part analyses the Haiers current marketing environment,including macro肌onomic environm创 analysis,analysis of the home appliance industry environment and micro-environments of Haier Group itself. The fourth part is current1y marketing channel mode,and problems in H咀配.The fifth section is primarily raised that different markets shou1d be t能:en for different channel mode in urban and rural are础.And focuses



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