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Wind power generation is the most rapidly developing and mature technology among all the clean and renewable energy power generation. Wind power generation in China entered in a fast developing period in 2005 and by the end of 2011, total installed capacity of Chinas wind power reached 62700MW, ranking the first in the world. With the constant increasement of wind generation capacity, the impact caused by the integrated wind farm to the security and stability of power syste m shouldn’t be ignored anymore.
Direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generator(DDPMG)is called the
third generation of wind turbine and have a very bright future,yet there is few study of the transient stability calculation of power system integrated with DDPMG -based
wind farm. Hence,this paper studies the transient stability calculation of power
system integrated with large scale DDPMG-based wind farm by using the multi-step high-order Taylor series method.In this paper the transient model of DPMSG is established and the transient stability calculation of power system integrated with large scale wind farm is perform on the software of Power System Analysis Toolbox
(PSAT)and solved by multi-step high-order Taylor series method.
Multi-step and high-order integration method, a fast and effective method for transient stability calculation, has the advantages of high-accuracy and large-step, and can make full use of the information contained in higher derivatives of several steps to improve the accuracy order of the algorithm. But as no guideline for determining optimal integration scheme is put forward when the algorithm was firstly proposed, the excellent properties of multi-step and high-order integration method can not be exerted to utmost.Based on the study of calculation amount and convergence and stability properties of multi-step high-order Taylor series method for transient stability calculation, the guidelines for determining optimal integration scheme
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