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Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Bacteria in Guangxi Sugarcane Wild Germplasms and Endogenous Rhizobia in Sugarcane Intercropping Beans
Luo Lijing
(College of Agriculture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China)
To improve the nitrogenous fertilizer and water use efficiency and cultivate the new species of sugarcane that are drought-resistance, high-sugar and high-yield is the key for the development of sugarcane industry. The wild germplasms of Saccharum spontaneum L. and Erianthus arundinaceum are the important barren-tolerance and drought-resistance germ plasm resources and there is abundant endogenous nitrogen species within the structure. The germs of ACC deaminase can reduce the level of pressed ethylene in plant through the degradation of ACC, which in turn promotes the plant stress resistance. The common existence of endogenous rhizobia in non-leguminous plants can promotes the growth of non-leguminous plant and increases its output. Through the separation and identification of the wild sugarcane germplasm (Saccharum spontaneum L. and Erianthus arundinaceum) in Guangxi and the endophytic bacteria between sugarcane and leguminous plants (soybean and mung bean), it selects a various kinds of endophytic bacteria, which enriches the repository of Guangxi endophytic bacteria species and lays a good foundation for the identification of beneficial bacteria in sugarcane. The main research results are as following:
Obtained 220 endophytic bacteria from the separation of wild Saccharum spontaneum L. and Erianthus arundinaceum plants from Guangxi Fusui,Chongzuo, Laibing and Wuxuan with four different mediums, among which, Pseudomonas and Enterobacter bacterium has the largest number. In the comparison of several mediums, YMA obtains the largest number of bacterium species from the separation. The bacterium obtained from different origins and mediums separation has significant difference in species and amount.
Selected four strains of bacteri
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