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II II 广西当地政府出台一系列政策大力支持发展中医药;临近东南亚,借助 “东盟平台”的东风;广西北部湾经济开发区的建立,推动了中药种植业 的发展;中医药理论日益深入人心,未来市场需求旺盛;中药对慢性、 疑难性疾病及老年性疾病有独特疗效;第四次广西中药资源普查全面启 动,为广西中药种植业发展提供科学依据。威胁因素是:省区间的竞争; 国家的政策;国外天然药物的威胁。 根据 SWOT 分析,提出了发展广西中药种植业的对策和建议。主要 有:加强中药资源调查和监测,进行中药资源区域规划和保护;完善良 种繁育技术,提纯复壮药材品种,加强野生变家种技术研究;加强专业 技术人才培训,促进 GAP 基地建设;进行病虫害预测防治研究,推动药 材无害化生产;集中力量推进重点品种的规范化生产;加强药材生产基 地与企业之间联系,建立中药材信息网;学习国内其他省份先进经验, 促进广西中药种植业发展;实施名牌战略,树立广西地道、主特产药材 的品牌。并根据广西具体情况,提出了一些政策建议。 关键词:中药种植业 SWOT 分析法 对策 III III The SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures of Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Planting ABSTRACT The rich resources of traditional Chinese medicine in Guangxi, ranked second in the whole country, behind only in Yunnan province. In this paper, the SWOT analysis of Guangxi medicine planting studies and surveys, analyzes its development strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and proposed to accelerate the development of Guangxi medicine planting countermeasures. The advantage of traditional Chinese medicine planting industry development in Guangxi: traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the “Zhuang, Yao” national medicine resources are rich; Not only Chinese traditional medicine planting area increased year by year, but some of the medicinal materials production ranked among the top nationwide; In addition, Chinese herbal medicine planting bases taking shape; With Asias largest medicinal botanical garden; Guangxi has a mature medicinal materials market, so to a certain extent, promote the development of the Chinese traditional medicine planting industry; Not only in the aspect of traditional Chinese PAGE PAGE VI medicine scientific research strength is enough, and improve the agricultural extension service system; Chinese herbal medicine processing industry base is better; National policy is superior, the good investment environment; In addition, has the very good location advantages and important strategic position; Theres another advantage, abundant labor resources, and l



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