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有的提货并不是一项必须的义务这一观点,笔者从理论和实践的角度的意 义分析了该项观点并认为提货依旧是权利性和义务性并重的行为。
第四部分“目的港无人提货及其救济”。提货主体具体的权利、义务只 有在交货和提货这两个相对应的行为得以实现的情况下才具有现实意义。 通常情况下,货到目的港将会被提货权利人及时地提领,这也应该是承运 人能够合理期待的事,而承运人的这一合理期待在现实中却常常落空,即 目的港无人提货问题经常发生,尤其在集装箱班轮运输己经成为国际海运 最重要的运输方式时,这一问题己经成为越来越严重的一个问题,它的发 生会给许多利害关系人带来不利的后果,常常让当事人或法院感到棘手。 因此,对目的港无人提货这一问题的分析具有现实意义。笔者归纳了三种 无人提货的原因:一是国际货物买卖合同纠纷而导致目的港无人提货;二 是市场行情的变化导致目的港无人提货;三是目的港所在国家本身的法 律、法规、检疫和贸易制度也可导致收货人无法提货。并且在此基础上对 无人提货发生时对承运人进行法律救济所面临的困境及从完善《海商法》 的相关条款和正确适用《海关法》与《海商法》的有关规定两个层面提出 对承运人进行法律救济的解决思路。
关键词:提货 权利义务性质 提货主体 目的港无人提货
International marine transportation is considered as an important part in international trade. A smooth delivery of goods in a proper way at the destination port not only has something to do with the completion of certain duties under the contract of carriage of goods by the carrier, but also has impacts on the trading parties involved in terms of benefits. This thesis focuses on the legal nature of taking delivery of goods in international marine transportation. In the process of research, the author of the thesis has made comprehensive use of the theory of rights and obligations in jurisprudence, the related stipulations in Law of Contract , CMC as well as the international marine practice to define the legal nature of taking delivery of goods and analyze the specific rights and duties. In doing so, the author of the thesis addresses the problems and solutions of none-taking delivery of goods at the port of destination in the hope of contributing to the development of the maritime law of the P.R.C.
Besides the Introduction and Conclusion, this thesis is divided into four parts. Part One tries to define some key terms used in international marine transportation, such as taking delivery of goods, subject taking delivery of goods, none-taking delivery of goods at the port of destination and so on. In international marine transportation, taking delivery of goods means the authorized party has the right to claim the cargo b
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