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1. History of aerial photography and aerial platforms J N Niepce (1826, France ) The world’s first photographic image History of aerial photography and aerial platforms 1839年,尼普斯和达意尔发明了摄影术起,photogrammetry已有160多年历史。 1851-1859,法国陆军上校劳赛达特提出的交会摄影测量,被称为摄影测量的起点。(处理地面摄影,建筑物摄影测量) Intrepid balloon, 1862 The balloon being inflated by using portable hydrogen generating system during the Civil War . 1906, Kites figure “San Francisco in ruins” ,G R Lawrence, Aerial photograph of “San Francisco in ruins” obtained after April 18,1906 earthquake using a captive airship consisting of 17 kites. The kites achieved at altitude of 2000 ft above sea level. Pigeons,1903. A squadron of pigeons equipped with lightweight 70-mm aerial cameras. For obvious reasons, pigeons are not ideal platform . 1903, Wright Brothers 发明了飞机,使航空摄影测量成为可能。 Engine-powered flight on December 17,1903. It lasted 12 seconds and covered 120 ft. Aerial photography in World war I Figure Close-up view of a world war I Figure Vertical photography of World War I trenches in Europe. Aerial photography in World war II Figure Vertical aerial photograph of a V2 rocket launching facility a Peenemunde in World War II. Aerial photography in Cold War(古巴导弹危机) Figure The U-2 aerial photograph of San Cristobal, Cuba, shown to President F. Kennedy, was obtained on October 14,1962. The gulf war: Hyperwar Figure: A warehouse south of Kuwait City suspected of housing Iraqi aircraft. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Ongoing satellite sentinels: Landsat Multispectral Scanner(M


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