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20 13 年 3 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.28 No. 3 第 28 卷第 3 期 TRAN SACTION S OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Mar . 20 13 一种基于转矩角的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制 邱鑫 黄文新 杨建飞 卜飞飞 (南京航空航天大学江苏省新能源发电与电能变换重点实验室 南京 2 100 16) 摘要 针对电动汽车用永磁同步电 ,提出一种基于转矩角的直接转矩控制策略,并研究 了其中磁链与转矩角的限幅要求。所述方法以电 转矩角控制为出发点,利用转矩闭环调节直 接得到所发电压矢量幅值,根据定子磁链闭环调节并结合转矩角前馈调整所发电压矢量角度, 并通过空间矢量调制得到驱动信号,同时对转矩角实时观测和限制,以保 电 稳定运行。该 方法不仅具有对电感参数变化不敏感和鲁棒性较强的优点,而且控制结构简单。实验结果表明 该方法有效、可行。 关键词:直接转矩控制 转矩角 永磁同步电 空间矢量调制 电动汽车 中图分类号:TM30 1.2 A Direct Torque Control Strategy Based on Torque Angle for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Qiu X in H uang Wenx in Yang J ianf ei Bu F eif ei (Jiangsu Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion Nanj ing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanj ing 2 100 16 China ) Abstract A novel direct torque control(DTC) strategy based on torque angle is introduced in the paper for the permanent magnet synchronous motors(PMSMs) used in electric vehicles. The limits of flux linkage and torque angle are also discussed in the paper . The proposed strategy is based on torque-angle control, and the amplitude and angle of output voltage vector are directly determined by torque and flux linkage close-loop regulators respectively . The output voltage vector is synthetized by space vector modulation(SVM). Real time observation of torque angle ensures motor working on the stable operation range. Besides, the strategy with simple structure is unaffected by the change of inductance parameters. Experiment results show that the proposed strategy has good suitability and strong robusticity . Keywords :Direct torque control, torque angle, perman


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