
IC卡电度表(硬件)设计 毕业设计.doc

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东华理工大学长江学院毕业设计(论文) 摘要 PAGE 摘 要 电度表作为电能计量工具,在国民经济各部门中得到广泛应用,长期以来,使用的都是机械式感应电度表。它具有耗电多、笨重、需要手工抄表、防窃电性能低等缺点。随着微电子技术的迅猛发展,微控制器(单片机)和大规模的集成电路在电能计量领域的广泛应用,使电度表的技术水平和性能得到长足发展。下面所述接触式IC卡电度表就是其中的一种。 接触式IC电度表虽然只是普通计量器具,但是由于微控制器的引入,对设计者提出了很高的要求。只是因为由电源等引入的干扰很容易导致程序出错,可能引起不可预测的后果,而且预付费电度表的工作条件相当恶劣,因此,对其可靠性的要求也相对较高,而本文介绍了接触式IC卡预收费电度表的工作原理和硬件电路,讨论了其工作过程,并给出了其工作原理图,解决了现实中的一些难题,接触式IC卡预收费电度表,它使收费从过去繁琐的人工抄表、手工计价转变为用户持卡购电,实现了电费收缴管理自动化。 关键字:IC卡; 电度表; IC卡电度表; 单片机 东华理工大学长江学院毕业设计(论文) ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The electric meter as the electrical energy metering outfit, obtains the widespread application in national economy various departments, since long, the use is the mechanical type induces the electric meter. The tower has consumes the electricity many, unwieldy, to need to copy the table, against to steal the electricity performance low status shortcoming manually. Along with microelectronic technologys rapid development, the micro controller (monolithic integrated circuit) and the large-scale integrated circuit in the electrical energy measurement domains widespread application, causes electric meters technical level and the performance obtains the considerable development. Below states the contact IC card electric meter is one kind.. Although the contact IC electric meter is only the ordinary measurement appliance, but as a result of the micro controllers introduction, set the very high request to the designer. Is only because by introduction and so on power source disturbances is very easy to cause the procedure to make a mistake, possibly leads to the uncertain consequence, moreover the pre-payment electric meters working condition is quite bad, therefore, relatively is also high to its reliable request, but this article introduced the contact IC card pre-charge electric meters principle of work and the hardware circuit, discussed its work process, and has given its work schematic diag


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