艾米莉狄金森(Emily Dickinson).doc

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艾米莉.狄金森(Emily Dickinson)[诗歌20首]——中英对照 艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)(1830~1886) 美国隐士女诗人,写过一千七百多首令人耳目一新的短诗。 诗风独特,以文字细腻、观察敏锐、意象突出著称。 题材方面多半是自然、死亡、和永生。 我从未看过荒原 我从未看过荒原-- 我从未看过海洋-- 可我知道石楠的容貌 和狂涛巨浪。 我从未与上帝交谈 也不曾拜访过天堂-- 可我好像已通过检查 一定会到那个地方 。 I never saw a moor I never saw a Moor-- I never saw the Sea-- Yet know I how the Heather looks And what a Billow be. I never spoke with God Nor visited in Heaven-- Yet certain am I of the spot As if the Checks were given-- 云暗 天低又复云暗, 飞过雪花一片。 穿越车辙马圈, 去留择决艰难。 谁人这样待风, 令其整天抱怨。 自然犹如我等, 时常没戴皇冠。 Beclouded THE sky is low, the clouds are mean, A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go. A narrow wind complains all day How some one treated him; Nature, like us, is sometimes caught Without her diadem. 我是无名之辈! 你是谁? (260) 我是无名之辈! 你是谁? 你也是无名之辈吗? 那么我们为一对! 别说! 他们会传开去-- 你知道! 多无聊-- 是-- 某某名人! 多招摇-- 象个青蛙— 告诉你的名字 -- 漫长的六月— 给一片赞赏的沼泽! IM Nobody! Who are you? IM Nobody! Who are you? Are you--Nobody--too? Then theres a pair of us! Dont tell! theyd advertise--you know! How dreary--to be--Somebody! How public--like a Frog-- To tell your name--the livelong June-- To an admiring Bog! 信念 是个微妙的发明 信念 是个微妙的发明 当绅士们能看见的时候— 但显微镜却是谨慎的 在紧急的时候。 Faith is a fine invention FAITH is a fine invention When Gentlemen can see-- But Microsopes are prudent In an Emergency. 逃亡 我一听说“ 逃亡”这个词 血液就加快奔流, 一个突然的期望, 一个想飞的冲动。 我从未听说敞开的监狱 被战士们攻陷, 但我幼稚的用力拖我的围栏– 只不过再失败! Escape I NEVER hear the word escape Without a quicker blood, A sudden expectation, A flying attitude. I never hear of prisons broad by soldiers battered down, But I tug childish at my bars-- Only to fail again! 希望 (254) 希望 是物长着羽毛 寄居在灵魂里, 唱着没有词的曲调, 绝无丝毫停息, 微风吹送最为甘甜 暴雨致痛无疑 能够使得小鸟不安 保有此多暖意。 听它越过奇妙大海 飞遍严寒田地 可它不要我面包屑 哪怕饥饿至极。 Hope HOPE is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all, And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm. Ive heard it in the chillest land, And o


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