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AbstractA Abstract A set M C Rd is called rq-convex if, for any two distinct points z,Y∈M,there Z,W∈M such that conv{x,Y,z,叫)is non-degenerate rectangle. In this thesis we first discribe some non-discrete rq-convex sets according to the definition,and then probe into the rq-convexity about discrete point sets in the plane and the vertex sets of Platonic solids.The main results follows:(1)Discuss the rq-convexity of closed unbounded sectors in the plane,squares and the complement of any bounded set in Rd(d≥2);give necessary and sufficient condition on the difference set of triangle being rq-convex;and provide some examples of non-connected sets which not rqoconvex.(2)Study the rq-convexity of eleven Archimedean tilings finfinite sets),and prove that the vertex sets of Archimedean tilings(38),(44),(63),(, (34.6),(,(4.82)are rq-convex sets,while the vertex sets of Archimedean tilings (33.42),(,(4.6.12),(3.122)are not.(3)Investigate the rq-convexity about finite point sets in the plane,and obtain an upper bound of the rq-convex completion number of any finite point set;characterize the configurations of 6-point rq-convex sets and 8- point rq-convex sets,and prove that the smallest odd cardinality of an rq-convex set i11 R2 is 9.(4)Investigate the rq-convexity about the vertex sets of Platonic solids in R3, and prove that the vertex set of the regular tetrahedron is not rq-convex and find its rq-convex completion number is 3. Keywords:rq-convexity;Archimedean tiling;finite point set;rq-convex completion number V 万方数据 目 目 录 中文摘要 ..III 英文摘要 ..V 引言 . 1 第一章基本概念和一些rg-凸集 .. 5 第二章阿基米德铺砌顶点集的7.g-凸性 . 9 第三章有限点集的rg.凸性 .35 3.1 R2中有限点集的rg.凸性 ··35 3.2柏拉图体顶点集的rg-凸性 ·51 结论 .53 参考文献 ..55 后记 .57 攻读学位期问取得的科研成果清单 .59 ⅥI 万方数据 引 引 言 凸性理论是离散与组合几何学的基础研究内容之一,在美国数学会(AMS)的学科 分类中,将其列为专门的一个子类(52AXX).凸性理论的研究可以追溯到阿基米德时代, 近代凸性理论则是二十世纪初由Minkowski等人创始的.二十世纪中叶,凸性在优化理 论中的应用引发了国际数学界对凸性理论的广泛关注,促进了凸性理论研究的发展.二 十世纪七十年代以后,凸性理论不仅成为线性规划,非线性规划,最优化理论,对策论, 数理经济学,计算数学等学科的理论基础,也是现代概率论,Banach


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