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樹豆超臨界二氧化碳萃取物及其抗氧化性之研究 Study on the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and antioxidant activity of Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. 研究生:余振興 Chen-Hsing Yu 指導教授:陳和賢 Ho-Hsien Chen 【摘要】 雉豆或鴿豆(樹豆)是屬豆科的豆科植物,種植分佈在亞洲、非洲和南美洲等地。隨著國人生活品質提升,對疾病預防及自身保健日益重視,使得富含高抗氧化物質的樹豆也備受關注。每100公克樹豆種子中含粗蛋白質19.4克、鋅2.8毫克、鐵2.8毫克、維生素E 7.4毫克、維生素B1 0.76毫克及維生素B2 0.2毫克。因其含有高量抗氧化物質,可作為不錯抗氧化物來源之一。本研究目的係利用超臨界二氧化碳流體來萃取分離出樹豆種子中抗氧化成分。並通過直交表試驗(L9)探討,如萃取溫度(40~60°C)、萃取壓力(2000~4000psi)及萃取時間(30~90min)等,對其產物萃出率之影響。結果顯示在萃取壓力4000psi,溫度60°C,時間90分鐘之條件下,為超臨界CO2萃取最適條件。研究中進一步將最適條件超臨界CO2萃取所得之產物進行抗氧化活性探討,包括DPPH自由基清除能力、螯合亞鐵離子能力及還原力等,結果顯示有隨著萃取物濃度增加而有上升的趨勢。則其萃取物的氣相層析質譜分離鑑定出數種成分,它們是萜烯類(如:角鯊烯)、固醇類(如:糞固烷、豆固醇、岩皂固醇、羽扇醇、十三醇)及烷烴類(如:二十七烷、二十烷)等。 關鍵字:超臨界二氧化碳、樹豆、直交表(L9)、抗氧化物質、氣相層析質譜儀 【Abstract】 The guandu bean or pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) is a kind of leguminous plant of the Fabbaceae family and is grown in Asia, Africa and South America. With the improvement of the life quality, disease prevention and health care, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. has been paid more attentions for its high content of antioxidant compounds. Per 100-gram seeds include 19.4 g of crude protein, 2.8 mg of zinc, 2.8 mg of iron, vitamin E 7.4 mg, vitamin B1 0.76 mg, and vitamin B2 0.2 mg. Because of its high content of antioxidant compounds, it is one of sources of antioxidant compounds. The objective of this study was to use supercritical fluid carbon dioxide to extract and separate antioxidant compounds from Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. Through the orthogonal array experiment (L9) with three factors and levels, the experiment was run under extraction temperature (40, 50, 60°C), extraction pressure (2000, 3000, 4000psi), and extraction time (30, 60, 90min). Results showed that the optimum condition during supercritical carbon dioxide extraction that operated at a pressure of 4000 psi, temperature 60°C, and extraction time 90 min. The evaluation of the antioxidant activities of the extract by supercritical CO2 extraction of


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