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2018 年 2 月 三 明 学 院 学 报 Feb. 2018 第 35 卷 第 1 期 JOU RNAL OF SA NMING UNIVERSITY Vol.35 No.1 凿燥蚤院员园援员源园怨愿辕 躁援糟灶猿缘原员圆愿愿辕 扎援圆园员8援园1援园14 清代琉球勤学人与野临时通事冶 文 圆 福建师范大学 社会历史学院袁 建 福州 350007 冤 摘要 明清两代袁中琉两国拥有长达五百多年友好交往史遥 琉球王室钦慕中华传统文化袁向中国派遣了多批留学 生遥除少数进入国子监读书的野官生冶外袁大多数琉球子弟留在福州读书袁称野勤学冶遥勤学人除完成野读书习礼冶外袁还常 被任命为通事协助处理公务遥 勤学人不仅参与琉球使团进京朝贡公务袁也在护送漂风难民归国及迎接册封使临国等 方面发挥了重要作用遥 虽然勤学人只承担临时性的职务袁但是对中琉间朝贡关系的发展起到了重要作用遥 关键词 琉球曰勤学曰通事曰清代曰赴华使团 中图分类号 K249 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1673-4343渊2018 冤01-0072-07 On Temporary Interpreters in Ryukyuan and Qinxue in Qing Dynasty WEN Yuan College of Soc iology and History, Fuj ian Normal Unive rs ity, Fuzhou 350007, China冤 Abstract: China had a good relationshipwith Ryukyu Kingdom for more than five hundred years in Ming and Qing Dy- nasties. Ryukyuan kings admired the Chinese traditional culture, so they sent many students to study in China. Most Ryukyuan students studied in Fuzhou and they were called as Qinxue while only a small number of students studied in the Imperial Academy as official students. After Qinxue finished the learning of books and etiquette, they were appointed as interpreters, dealing with the official business. Qinxue not only took part in dealing with the official business that Ryukyuan missions went to the capital city topay tribute to the imperial court, but also played an important role in sending refugees back to Ryukyu and welcoming diplomatic envoys to China. Even though Qinxue only played the temporary role, they were very important to the development of the tributary relation between China and Ryukyu Kingdom. Key words: Ryukyu; Qinxue; interpreter; Qing Dynasty; Ryukyuan Missions to China 明洪武二十五年


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