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摘 摘 要 零文对超声在固体中翡传播特性进行了实验簿}究,弓l入显承声波在固体与滚 体巾糖疆过程赘薪方法,察现了菲透臻露髂巾声传疆j童程熬实验观测。实验记录 了声波在铝板和有机玻璃板中的传播过程,直观地呈现了声波在含有障碍物以及 存在外加应力时的传播特征。在固体中传播的声波遇到障碍物时将会发生反射与 透射,形成直达波与反射波叠加的声场。由测嫩的声场分布图可以魄较有效地区 分爨嶷运渡与爱袈渡。辩麓麓一缍瘦力终雳螽声波在锾蔽孛豹镥l爨褥徭逶疗了实 验溉测,发现波阵面有一定的交形,沿应力方向波阵面发生畸变,曲率变小(传 播速度随着应力的增大而增大所引起)。由液。固边界波形图和声场分布图出发. 利用几何计算方法可以对声波在固体中的传播速度进行计算。利用STC方法对 液一弱边秀波形遴行处瑾,霹褥到穗黠糖确熬声速筐。 弗间遮震技术这释勘探方法记录静数撂审常常含有狠强弱管波,这些警波叠 加在反射信号上,严重影响了有效信号的提取,因此,本文对并间地震管波的传 播机制进行了实验研究,为能在纪录数据之前削弱管波提供理论依据。 关键词声波成像面波管波 换能器背树纵波速度横波逋度 数瓣痖力芦场 ABSTRACT鞠醛s ABSTRACT 鞠醛s paper has carried on the experiments to the propagation characteristics of sound waves in the solids.A new acoustic visualization technique is intr醯uced to realize the experimental observation of the sound spreading process in the opaque solids.The sound fields jn aluminum plates and plexiglass plates have been recorded. People can directly observe the sound fields in opaque solids by this method.髓le sound wave will Occur tO reflect and transmit and forms the overlapped sound fields of direct wave and the reflected wave when sound wave meets the obstacle in the solid.Besides the research on the isotropic solids,the sound fields in the aluminum sheets when they are forced by one-dimensioned stress also are observed by the experiments.The phenomena,which the wave fTonts is twisted along the stress direction,are reeoded。It is possible to be caused by acoustical propagation velocity increasing with the streSS.From the fluid—solid boundary waves and the sound fields, the acoustical propagation velocity in the solids can be estimated by the geometry computational methods.From the fluid—solid boundary waves,the relatively precise velocity can be obtained by the STC methods. The cross-well scismic data obtained by the cross-well seismic technique always includes the very sung tube wavos.These waves overlapped in the reflection signals, have seriously affected the obtain of the available signals.In order to weaken the tube waves before people log the seismic data,th



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