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The Rise of Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutional Change,
and Economic Growth
The rise of Western Europe after 1500 is due largely to growth in countries with
access to the Atlantic Ocean and with substantial trade with the New World, Africa,
and Asia via the Atlantic. This trade and the associated colonialism affected Europe
not only directly, but also indirectly by inducing institutional change. Where
“initial” political institutions (those established before 1500) placed significant
checks on the monarchy, the growth of Atlantic trade strengthened merchant groups
by constraining the power of the monarchy, and helped merchants obtain changes
in institutions to protect property rights. These changes were central to subsequent
economic growth. (JEL F10, N13, O10, P10)
The world we live in was shaped by the rapid There is little agreement, however, on why this
economic growth that took place in nineteenth- growth took place in Western Europe and why
century Western Europe. The origins of this it started in the sixteenth century.
growth and the associated Industrial Revolution This paper establishes the patterns of eco-
are generally considered to lie in the economic, nomic growth in Western Europe during this
political, and social development of Western era, develops a hypothesis on the origins of the
Europe over the preceding centuries. In fact, rise of (Western) Europe and provides historical
between 1500 and 1800, Western Europe expe- and econometric evidence supporting some of
rienced a historically unprecedente
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