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27 3 JOURNAL OF GUANGXI ADMINISTRATIVE Vol1271 No13 20 12 5 CADRE INSTITUTE OF POLITICS AND LAW May12012 Re lection o Adjudication Thinking About Invalid Partnership Agreement XIA Xu- yang ( School o Politics Science Law, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei 235000, Anhui) [Abstract]T he adjudication rule about giving property back hen being invalid agreement that is enacted in Article 58 of Con- tract La of P.R. C. is applicable to consideration contracts. Partnership agreements belong to contracts hose character is part- ners managing the same career, the right and the obligation among partners don. t have corresponding character. So, hen being decided contract null and void, the general legal effect of invalid agreement hich is retroactivity and giving property back doesn. t certainly apply to the situation hose state is complicated. When solving this dispute, e should consider hether the career has begun, the organizational character of the partnership, and the specialization of the subject giving property back. [ Key words] partnership agreement; invalid contract; consideration; corresponding character; retroactivity; giving property back 夏旭阳 ( , 235000) [ ]5 合同法6 第58 条设计的合同无效 还财产 , 的处理规则, 适用于具有对价性的合同; 而合伙协议属于具 , 有共同经营同一事业性质的合同, 合伙人之间的权利义务 并不具有对应性因此, 合伙协议无效时, 一般合同无效的 溯及效力与财产 还效力并不当然适用于它, 其具有复杂 的法律状态应当区分合伙事业是否开展以及强调合伙本 身的组织性, 还主体的特殊性来处理此类纠纷 , [] 合伙协议; 合同无效; 对价性; 同向性; 溯及 , 5658 力; 还财产 [ ] DF5 [ ]A , 2010 [] 1008- 8628( 2012)03- 0074- 03 : ,


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