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l玛北I刊k人学·2003·硕+学位论文 l玛北I刊k人学·2003·硕+学位论文 摘要 摘 要 本文主要讨论哈密顿体系理论在弹性力学中的具体应用。在平面弹性问题 中,山变量代换及变分原理,方程可导向哈密顿体系,从而通过分离变量法及 姥轭辛本征函数向量展歼法,以解析的方法来进行求解。而传统的弹性力学, 其求解方法是尽量消元以使未知量减少,方程形式简单,宁可让方程阶次提高, 故数学物理方法中最基本的分离变量法就难以实施,只能采用半逆法。 运用哈密顿体系理沦,本文从弹性力学中的典型问题一板问题出发,进行 了更深入的研究和推导,并应用于各种边界条件的薄板静力问题分析,在理沦 }:取得了较好的结果。同时,将其推广到了中厚板的研究中去,给出了对边筒 支时解析解的求解方法,并通过实例分析得到了验证,其结果有一定的1:程实 用价值。 关键词: 哈密顿体系,解析解,扳弯曲,分离变量法,本征函数向量 西北丁业人学·2003·硕士学位论文 西北丁业人学·2003·硕士学位论文 Abstract Abstract In this paper,the application of Hamiltonian systematic theory in plate bending problem is studied.The goveming equations of the problem are derived in Hamiltonian form by using variable substitution and variational principle.Then the methods of separation of variables and conjugate symplectic eigenfunction expansion are developed to solve the equations of plate bending problem.The result can be derived by analytical method.While in traditional elasticity mechanics,we make our best tO eliminate the unknown variables and Call get the simplest equation in a brief form.At the same time,the rank of equation is increased,SO we cannot solve the equation by direct method and have to resort to semi—converse method. The detailed research and derivation for thin plate bending are carried out by means of Hamiltonian systematic theory in this paper.The results are effective and accurate.Extending thin plate bending problems to thick plate bending problems,we get the analytical solution for thick plate with two opposite edges simply supported Several computational examples in the paper are of practical values to engineering applications. Keywords: Hamiltonian system,analysis method,plate bending,method of separation of variables,eigenfunction vector 曲北【_=业人学·2003·硕七学位论文 曲北【_=业人学·2003·硕七学位论文 绪论 绪论 1.哈密顿体系的历史、现状与发展前景 哈密顿体系的理论,最早是出现在经典的分析动力学中,如人们所熟知的 哈密顿原理、哈密顿正则方程等,由于只涉及到系统的状态函数,因此它不但 能用于离散系统,也能用于连续系统和混合系统。随着近代科学理论的发展, 尤其是现代控制理论的发展,哈密顿体系不仅成为最优控制



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