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Exam : H3C GB0-190Chinese : H3C GB0-190Chinese Title : Construction Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprise Network Version : V2.01 Testinsidestinside Important Note, Please Read Carefully Other TestInside products All TestInside IT Exam Products Our products of Offline Testing Engine Use the offline Testing engine product to practice the questions in an exam environment. Build a foundation of knowledge which will be useful also after passing the exam. TestInside Testing Engine Latest Version We are constantly reviewing our products. New material is added and old material is revised. Free updates are available for 90 days after the purchase. You should check your member zone at TestInside and update 3-4 days before the scheduled exam date. Here is the procedure to get the latest version: 1.Go to http://www.TestI 2. Log in the User 3.The latest versions of all purchased products are downloadable from here. Just click the links. Feedback If you spot a possible improvement then please let us know. We always interested in improving product quality. Feedback should be send to sales(at)TestI. You should include the following: Exam number, version, page number, question number, and your login Account. Our experts will answer your mail promptly. Explanations This product does not include explanations at the moment. If you are interested in providing explanations for this exam, please contact sales(at)TestI. TestInside Help You Pass Any IT Exam http://www.TestI 1.以下工作以下工作于 OSI参考模型数据链路层的设备是 ______。(选择一项或多项) A.广域网交换机 B.路由器 C.中继器 D.集线器 Answer: A 2.下列有关光纤的说法中哪些是错误的? A.多模光纤可传输不同波长不同入射角度的光 B.多模光纤的纤芯较细 C.采用多模光纤时,信号的最大传输距离比单模光纤长 D.多模光纤的成本比单模光纤低 Answer: BC 3. IP地址 7对应的自然分类网段的广播地址为 ________________。 Answer: 55 4.在如图所示的 TCP连接的建立过程中,SYN中的 Z部分应该填入 ________。 A. a B. b C. a+1 D. b+1 Answer: D 5. FTP默认使用的控制协议端口是 ______。 A. 20 B. 21 C. 23 D. 22 Answer: B 6.用用______命令可指定下次启动使用的操作系统软件。 A. startup B. boot-loader C. bootfile D



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