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《现代仪器与医疗》 2017年  第23卷   第1期 研制开发 基于LabVIEW的脉搏波分析监测系统 李姝颖 魏安海 张和华 尹军 (第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所医学工程科,重庆 400042 ) [摘 要] 设计一种基于LabVIEW 的脉搏波分析监测系统,能够自动、高效、精确地实时采集和记录人体脉 搏参数。监测系统采用下位机和上位机方案,以单片机为核心测量人体脉搏。该系统采用脉搏传感器将所采集 的信号进行放大、滤波、电压抬升等处理,通过CH341T 与PC 端USB 接口相连,实现了单片机和上位机之间 通讯并将处理后的数据传至上位机进行分析。上位机基于LabVIEW 开发平台实现了用户管理登陆、脉搏波滤波、 消除基线漂移、特征识别、打印报告等功能,其特征参数可有效地反映身体功能。 [关键词] 脉搏波; 用户管理; 消除基线漂移; 特征参数 中图分类号:R331 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5200(2017)01-015-04 DOI:10.11876/mimt201701007 Pulse Wave Monitoring System Based on LabVIEW LI Shuying Wei Anhai Zhang Hehua YIN   , , , Jun. (Medical Engineering Department, Daping Hospital and Institute of Surgery Research ,Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, 400042) [Abstract] A pulse wave monitoring system based on LabVIEW was designed which can automatically, efficiently and accurately real-time collect and record human pulse parameters .With a single chip processor as the core, the system used a lower computer and a upper computer to measure the pulse of human body. The system could magnify, filter analog signal and rise the voltage through the pulse sensor. It realized the communication between the MCU and the PC through a CH341T chip connecting with the PC’s USB interface. The processed data could be transmitted to the upper computer for analysis. The upper machine based on LabVIEW could realizes user login management, pulse wave filtering, eliminating baseline drift, feature recognition and print of reports, etc.The characteristic parameters could effectively reflect and feedback the patients’ physical features and functions. [Key words] pulse wave; user management; eliminating baseline drift; characteristic parameter 0 引言 1 总体设计方案 脉搏波信号是身体生理状况的重要信号之一, 其特征 基于LabVIEW 的脉搏波分析监测系统采用下位机和上 参数可有效地反映身体的各项指标和功能


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