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第 46 卷 第 21 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.46 No.2 1 2018 年 11 月 1 日 Power System Protection and Control Nov. 1, 2018 DO : 10.7667/PSPC17 1573 基于自适应 CEEMD 方法的电能质量扰动检测与分析 胡 明,郭健鹏,李富强,刘建华 (中国矿业大学徐海学院,江苏 徐州 221008) 摘要:针对现有时频分析方法处理非线性、非稳态信号 自适应性的不 ,提出了一种 自适应互补集总经验模态分 解(ACEEMD)方法。该方法通过对加噪辅助分解方法噪声准则的研究,引入相关均方根误差与信噪比两个参数作 为加噪评价指标,自适应确定最优加噪幅值和集总分解次数。且加入的噪声以正负成对的形式加到目标信号中, 克服了原始分解方法存在的模态混叠问题、端点效应以及残余噪声大的缺点。最后将改进的方法与 Hilbert 变换相 结合运用在电能质量扰动检测中,通过仿真实验验证所提方法既可以有效提取扰动的频率、幅值等特征参数,也 可以准确定位扰动的时间,为电能质量检测与分析提供了一种新思路。 关键词:电能质量扰动;互补集总经验模态分解;加噪参数优化;自适应性;特征提取 Power quality disturbance detection and analysis based on adaptively complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition method HU Ming, GUO Jianpeng, L Fuqiang, L U Jianhua (Xuhai College of China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 22 1008, China) Abstract: n order to deal with the adaptive shortcoming that the existing time-frequency analysis methods are not insufficient in processing non-linear and non-stationary signal, an Adaptively Complementary Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (ACEEMD) method is proposed. n the proposed method, through the study of the added-noise principle of noise assisted decomposition method, where the two parameters of the relative RMSE and the signal-to-noise are introduced as added-noise evaluation indexes to adaptively determine the optimal amplitude of added-noise and the number of ensemble trials respectively.


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