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主题1 国际收支 pp.66-95 国际收支平衡表账户 子账户: 1. 经常账户(current account) 2. 金融账户(financial account) 3. 资本账户(capital account) 4. 官方储备账户(official reserves account) 5. 净误差与遗漏(net errors and omissions account) 1. 经常账户(包括4个子账户) (1)商品贸易(Goods trade) (2)服务贸易(Services trade): 旅游﹑交通运输﹑留学支出﹑建筑﹑电信以及金融服务等。 (3)收入(Income):投资收益﹑非居民身份的工作者的工资报酬。 (4)经常项目转移支付(Current transfers):国与国之间的单向转移支付 → 捐赠或援助。 P.70 美国经常账户 图表3.2 美国1998-2003年经常账户和它的各个组成部分的情况。 分析: - 商品贸易持续为负,但部分地被服务贸易差额的持续顺差所弥补。 计算: (讲解) 2. 资本和金融账户 (1)资本账户 金融资产的转移和非生产/非金融资产的得失。例如:固定资产转移。 资本交易的规模(金额)相对较小。 (2)金融账户 包括三个部分:直接投资﹑证券投资和其它投资。 直接投资 外国(外来)直接投资(FDI):一国(地区)的居民实体(对外直接投资者或者母公司)在其本国(地区)以外的另一国的企业(外国直接投资企业﹑分支机构或者国外分支机构)中建立长期关系,享有持久利益,并对之进行控制的投资。 - 引自联合国《世界投资报告2003》,p.215 注意: - 直接投资以控制企业为目的。 - 达到至少10%或更多治理权的股票投资也属直接投资(根据国际货币基金组织IMF)。 Foreign direct investment (外来直接投资) - 引自 Wikipedia(维基百科) Foreign direct investment (FDI) refers to long term participation by country A into country B. It usually involves participation in management, joint-venture 合资企业, transfer of technology and “know-how” 技术. There are two types of FDI: inward foreign direct investment and outward foreign direct investment, resulting in a net FDI inflow (positive or negative). Types 形式 (不属考核范围) A foreign direct investor may be classified in any sector of the economy and could be any one of the following: an individual; a group of related individuals; an incorporated (组成法人组织的) or unincorporated entity; a public company or private company; a group of related enterprises; a government body; an estate 地产 (law), trust 信托 or other societal 社会的organization; or any combination of the above. Methods 方法(不属考核范围) The foreign direct investor may acquire 10% or more of the voting power of an enterprise in an economy through any of the following methods: by incorporating a wholly owned subsidiary or company by acquiring shares in an associated enterprise through a merger or an acquisition of an unrelated enterprise participating in an equity joint ventu


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