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小脑扁桃体疝 海马沟回疝 THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 * 人 不会吃大便,但还是患病,为什么?有传播媒介在起作用。 The transmission is by the fecal-oral route, especially when sanitation is poor. * 介绍伤寒杆菌三大特点:能产生内毒素;有活跃的运动能力;有多种抗原成分——推出肥达反应机制 Salmonella typhi is the causal bacteria. 粗短杆状,体周满布鞭毛,运动活跃,在含有胆汁的培养基中生长较好。自然环境中生活力较强,能耐低温,对热抵抗力不强,60度15m可杀灭。病后可获得持久免疫力。 菌体O抗原、鞭毛H抗原和表面Vi抗原,前两者抗原性较强,可用血清凝集试验(肥达反应,用已知抗原检测相应抗体)检测血清中的O和H抗体的效价来辅助诊断。O效价在1:80以上,H效价在1:160以上。一般在病程第二周开始阳性率逐渐增加,到第四周可达90%,病愈后阳性反映可持续数月之久。 菌体裂解释放强烈的内毒素是伤寒杆菌导致疾病的主要因素。 Salmonella typhi is a gram-negtive bacteria, belong to the Enterobacteriaceae family The widal reaction, which is the demonstration of specific agglutinins(凝集素) in the patient’s serum, is usually positive after the first week. This test may be invalidated as a diagnostic procedure if the patient has had a recent inoculation(接种) with typhoid vaccine. * * 已学过的疾病中有哪些是肉芽肿性炎?如何理解肉芽肿的概念? granuloma - a term applied to any small nodular aggregation of mononuclear inflammatory cells or such a collection of modified macrophages resembling epithelial cells, giant cells and other macrophages (usually surrounded by a rim of lymphocytes). * 请问阿米巴滋养体会在哪里?这些侵略者、 Flask-shaped ulceration: the mouth is deceptively small, it’s lumen further narrows at the level of the muscularies mucosa, the bottom(floor) is wide. Are covered by pasty-looking necrotic material (admixed with dated blood ). * 体现出来的是阿米巴侵入及不断扩张的过程:由小变大;由浅变深;由纵深向横向发展 针帽状溃疡:肠腺开口处入口 纽扣状溃疡:在粘膜层内有限扩展 烧瓶状溃疡:粘膜下层组织结构疏松,横向发展 巨大溃疡:进一步相互沟通 * Amoebae are found in the base and at the margins of ulcers, chiefly in the submucosa but also extending more deeply. Numerous eosinophilic spherical structure within necrotic area 液化性,呈,炎症反应轻微。 * 炎症包块容易和恶性 In severe cases there may be perforation of muscular and serous coats and general peritonitis or adhesion to neighboring structure. are Most common sites, but yyyy may be involved. A localized mass of granulation tissue may occur in the wall of the colon, secondary to amebic ulceration, such a lesion, kno