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沈阳工业大学硕士学位论文格式规范 PAGE - - PAGE I 摘 要 随着国民经济的快速发展,压缩机已经成为众多部门中的重要通用机械。压缩机是压缩气体提高气体压力并输送气体的机械,它广泛应用于石油化工、纺织、冶炼、仪表控制、医药、食品和冷冻等工业部门。在化工生产中,大中型往复活塞式压缩机及离心式压缩机则成为关键设备。本次设计的压缩机为空气压缩机,其型号为D—30/8。该类设备属于动设备,它为对称平衡式压缩机,其目的是为生产装置和气动控制仪表提供气源,因此本设计对生产有重要的实用价值。 活塞式压缩机是空气压缩机中应用最为广泛的一种,它是利用气缸内活塞的往复运动来压缩气体的,通过能量转换使气体提高压力的主要运动部件是在缸中做往复运动的活塞,而活塞的往复运动是靠做旋转运动的曲轴带动连杆等传动部件来实现的。 本文通过依据工艺条件对活塞式压缩机进行了热力计算,通过确定气缸直径、计算活塞力、复算排气量、计算压缩机功率并选择驱动机;依据活塞式压缩机设计规范对气缸组件和连杆组件进行了详细的结构设计和机械强度计算与校核;通过采用必威体育精装版国家标准和行业标准对压缩机的主要零部件及压缩机辅助设备进行了选型设计,按照一定要求和步骤对压缩机进行安装和维护。 在保证压缩机安全平稳运转的前提下,尽量使设计达到经济、环保、高效的目的。 关键词:活塞式压缩机;结构;设计;强度校核;选型 PAGE II Abstract With the rapid development of the national economy, the compressor has become an general machinery which used in numerous sections. The compressor is a machine which used to compress the air to increases air pressure and transport the gas, it can widely applied to petrochemical industry、weaving、smelting、metallurgy、instrument control、medicine、food and frozen and other industrial departments.In chemical industry production, large and medium scale reciprocating compressor and centrifugal compressor then become critical equipment. The compressor which we design this time is a “air compressor ”. Its model number is D—30/8. This kind of equipment belongs to moveing equipment, it is the balanced opposed compressor. This device is intended for production equipments and pneumatic control instrument to provide gas source. The piston compressor is the one which is the most widespread applied in the air compressor. It is the use of reciprocating piston within the cylinder to compress the gas to increase gas pressure. The main moving part through the energy conversion to enhance the pressure is the piston which makes reciprocal motion in cylinder, piston of the reciprocating motion is done by rotating the crankshaft connecting rods and other drive components to achieve the transmission.Therefore, this design has a important role to the production. This article carries on the t


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