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PROFIBUS通讯在隧道监控系统中的应用 严海,卢志航,严敏,郭胜军 (上海交技发展股份有限公司) 摘要:随着隧道监控的发展,PLC技术越来越多的在隧道监控中得到应用,而PLC因其可靠性高、运用灵活等特点,是一项较为成熟的解决方案。随着我国经济的高速发展,通畅高效的交通系统成为经济进一步发展的基本需求,从而高速公路亦得以蓬勃发展。作为高速公路路段中相对事故率较高的隧道区域,为保证行车安全,提高行车效率,通常在长隧道或特长隧道内设置隧道监控系统,集中监控隧道内通风、照明以及行车情况,在必要时候发布诱导和指导性信息。而隧道内通风、照明、以及交通诱导设备均分散于整个隧道区域,因此集成隧道内各要素信息,方便隧道监控人员的集中监控与管理,成为隧道监控系统设置的主要目的。 关键词:区域控制器、DP网络、PLC PROFIBUS APPLICATION for Tunnel Monitoring System Yan Hai, Lu Zhihang, Yan Min, Guo Shengjun (Shanghai Communications technology Development Co., Ltd) Abstract: With the development of tunnel monitoring, PLC technology more and more has been applied in the tunnel control. The PLC for its high reliability, the use of flexible characteristics, is a more mature solution. With the rapid development of Chinas economy, Smooth and efficient transport system as the basic needs of the further development of the economy, Which has been booming highway. As a freeway accident rate is relatively high in the tunnel area, to ensure driving safety, Improve traffic efficiency, usually in long tunnels or long tunnel inside the tunnel monitoring system set up, Centralized control tunnel ventilation, lighting and driving conditions, when necessary, induction and guidance published information. The tunnel ventilation, lighting, and traffic guidance equipment are scattered throughout the tunnel area, Therefore, the elements of an integrated information within the tunnel, the tunnel control staff to facilitate centralized monitoring and management of a tunnel to set the main purpose of monitoring system. Key Words: Regional Controller, DP Fieldbus, PLC 系统概述 贵州崇溪河至遵义高速公路(简称崇遵高速)位于贵州北部,该段高速公路起于重庆至湛江公路雷神店(重庆境)与崇溪河高速公路的终点,止于遵义市的忠庄铺,与贵阳至遵义公路相接,全长117.7公里。该公路为双向四车道高速公路,设计行车速度60km/h。沿线共有隧道18座,其中A类隧道2座,B类隧道4座,C类隧道4座,D类隧道8座。 系统规模具体如下表所示。 表1-1 系统设备分布表 序号 隧道名称 值守站 长度(米) PLC设备数量 1 风梅垭隧道 风梅垭 2757 1台主控PLC,8台交通控制PLC 2740 2 观音岩隧道 松坎 407 1台通风照明PLC 425 3 花园隧道 松坎 78 127 4 松坎隧道 松坎 1060 1台主控PLC,6台交通控制PLC,1台通风照明PLC 1042 5 达尼垭隧道 松坎 215 1台通风照明PLC 260 6 野猫岗隧道 松坎 19


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