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Classified Index: U.D.C.:  CODE: 10075 NO:A Dissertation for the Degree of J.M Research on the Crime of Dangerous Driving Candidate: LiWeiwei Supervisor: Prof. Feng Huimin Prof. Shi Qingshuang Academic Degree Applied for: Juris Master Specialty: Juris Master(Law) University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June ,2012 摘 摘  要 要 危险驾驶罪是《刑法修正案(八)》新增的罪名,具体是指在道路上驾驶机动车追 逐竞驶,情节恶劣的,或者在道路上醉酒驾驶机动车的行为。危险驾驶行为具有严重社 会危害性,该行为入罪具有重要的现实意义,它解决了司法实践中的困境,也有利于实 现刑法的规制功能。笔者在本文中对危险驾驶罪的构成要件进行了具体分析,它所侵犯 的客体是道路交通运输安全;客观方面表现为行为人在道路上驾驶机动车辆追逐竞驶, 且情节恶劣的行为,或者行为人在醉酒后在道路上驾驶机动车的行为;本罪的主体是一 般主体,即年满 16 周岁、具备刑事责任能力的自然人,同时限定为直接驾驶机动车辆 的人员;主观方面表现为故意,并且只能由间接故意构成,即行为人明知醉酒驾车或驾 车追逐竞驶可能发生危险,仍放任这种危险状态的发生。危险驾驶罪与非罪的区分关键 是看本罪与一般违法行为的区别,危险驾驶罪是立法者基于法益前置性保护的考虑而设 立的一个罪名,也是交通肇事罪和以危险方法危害公共安全罪之间的一个过渡性罪名。 因此这三个罪名之间的关系和界限就理所当然的成为司法实践中必然面对和必须搞清 楚的问题。虽然《刑法修正案(八)》将部分危险驾驶行为入罪已经是很大地进步了, 但作为一个新罪名仍然还有一些需要改进的方面,比如,危险驾驶行为的范围有待扩大; 其入罪标准也需要进一步细化;法定刑也应适当加重。 关键词  危险驾驶罪  犯罪构成  司法适用  立法完善 I Abstract Abstract The crime of dangerous driving is a new accusation which was added inCorporal punishment amendment (eight).To speak concretely is that the finger competes to drive a motor vehicle in a road, circumstance is very bad;or driving a motor vehicle in drunk. The behavior of Dangerous driving has grave society harmfulness,putting this kind of behavior into crime has an important practical or immediate significance,it has resolved the difficulties that occur in actual judicial practice,it also makes a function to realizing corporal punishment .I analyse the formation of the crime very concretely in the essay,The object that the crime infringe upon is highway traffic transports safety;Objective aspect behaviour is driving in danger and circumstance is very bad or driving a motor vehicle in drunk;The main body putting the blame on originally is the general main body,Be 16 annual full years of life , the natural men who have the criminal capacity for duties,Set a limit to the person who is a direct driving mechanically-


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