三年级英语下册 lesson18 the magic stone教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

三年级英语下册 lesson18 the magic stone教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 Lesson 18: The Magic Stone 一、教材分析: The Magic Stone这个故事让孩子们初步以为有魔力的石头可以变出很多食物,鼓励孩子们说出更多的食物,复习了整个单元的重点词汇,故事的最后每个人都付出一点就可以做出一锅美味的汤,魔石不能真正的变出食物,真正有魔力的是人们自己。 二、教学目标 1.知识与技能目标 (1)通过对故事的学习,复习巩固本单元的食物词汇; (2)学生能理解故事内容,并在教师引导下讲述故事、表演故事; (3)学生能运用句型May I use it? We have 。I have 。 2.情感目标 培养学生乐于助人的品德;培养学生的阅读兴趣。 3.学习策略目标 通过对故事的学习,渗透阅读策略培养,培养学生的阅读兴趣。 三、教具和学具 1.故事材料《The Magic Stone》; 2.多媒体课件及图片、实物; 四、教学过程 1、导入 Greeting. T: Hello boys and girls. Ss: Hello Miss Wang. T: Are you ready for English class? Ss: Yes. T: Ok, let’s go. 【设计意图】简单的问候拉近与学生之间的距离。 2. Review T: Boys and girls, I have some food, do you want to know? Let’s look at these cards. (Show the cards) T: What’s this? Ss: Chicken. T: Good, it’s chicken. T: What are they? Ss: Vegetables. T: Good, vegetables, they are vegetables. (Teacher uses the same way to review other words) 【设计意图】在复习单词的同时,深化上升到句子,在练习的过程中,深入对单词单数和复数的了解。 T:Boys and girls, let’s play a game, guess what’s missing? Ss: (Chicken, noodles, dumplings, rice, meat, fish, soup , vegetables,) T: What’s missing? Ss: Soup. 【设计意图】在游戏的最后,让学生猜出“汤”这个单词,很自然的过度到下面要讲的内容。 T: Today I want to make some soup, but I have no Vegetables, no chicken, no fish, I have nothing. I’m sad. But a boy make soup with a stone. (Show the stone) what’s this? Ok, 石头 Let’s read. Stone, stone. Ss: Stone, stone. T: Very good. 【设计意图】通过做汤需要食物,引出一个小男孩做汤需要石头,提前接触石头这个单词,通过操练,让学生熟悉,在进一步引出魔石—本课题目 T: This stone is a magic stone. What is the meaning of magic? Look at the blackboard. Magic, 神奇的,有魔力的。 The magic stone. 魔石.Read after me, the magic stone. Ss: The magic stone. T: The magic stone can make soup, do you believe? S: Yes/ no. 3、let’s come into our story. (Show the first picture and ask) 1)、 Who is in the picture? Ss: An old woman and an old man. (put the pictures on the blackboard) 2). Are they happy? Ss: No. T: Oh, they are sad. The next picture, 3)、Who is coming? Ss: A little boy. 4). What’s in his hand? Ss: A stone. T: Good, the next one. What are they doing?



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