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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 基于MATLAB的自适应均衡器的研究 【摘 要】:随着科技的发展,如何实现工作高效发展已经成为各个领域的首要因素,在通信领域亦是如此。ISI(码间串扰)是干扰时变通信质量和传输速度的主要因素。由于基带传输的通信系统不可能满足实际波形不失真的实时传输系统中,所以串扰是必然会发生的。通常把消除串扰的滤波器称为均衡器,它其实就是一个逆滤波器通道。信道失真在高速通信,无线通信中会更加严重,从而信道均衡技术是成为了通信传输中不可缺少的。在通信系统中,优良的信道均衡器可以弥补信道不理想特性,降低信号传输错误率,从而达到降低信号失真的一种重要技术手段。 本文介绍了自适应均衡器的设计原则,结合递归最小二乘算法和最小均方算法。最后运用MATLAB进一步分析仿真实现这些算法的自适应线性滤波器并分析其性能。 【关键词】 :LMS算法;自适应;线性均衡器;RLS算法 Research on Adaptive Equalizer Based on MATLAB Abstract:With the development of technology,how to efficiently achieve development has become a primary factor in various field,is also true in the field of communication. ISI is one of the important reasons for varying interference communication quality and transmission speed. Baseband transmission of the communication system can not meet the real-time actual waveform of undistorted transmission system, crosstalk is bound to arise. Crosstalk elimination circuit usually called equalizer came from the principle that it is an inverse filter channel. In communication systems, good channel equalizer to compensate for non-ideal characteristics of the channel in order to minimize signal distortion,an important technology to reduce the transmission error rate of the signal. Channel distortion in a high speed communication, wireless communication is more severe,so that channel equalization techniques become indispensable communication transmission. The article describes the design principles of the adaptive equalizer,combined with recursive least squares algorithm and the minimum mean square algorithm. Finally,further analysis of simulation using MATLAB adaptive linear filter these algorithms and analyze their performance. Key words:LMS algorithm;Adaptive;Linear equalizer;RLS algorithm 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc388819026 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc388819026 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc388819027 1.1 均衡器研究背景及意义 PAGEREF _Toc388819027 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc388819028 1.2 国内外研究现状 PAGEREF _Toc388819028 \h 2 H


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