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PAGE PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT VI 毕业设计 基于S7300的污水处理控制系统设计 摘 要 随着近年来各国工业水平的飞速发展,人口密度的不断增长和自然资源的日益匮乏,环境污染也越加的严重,人类和生物的生存环境变得愈加的严峻。而水污染作为现今世界重要的环境污染之一,污水处理工艺显得更加重要。污水处理是一个复杂且多变量的控制过程,传统的污水处理工艺,主要以手动控制为主,根据操作人员的经验来进行控制。 本设计采用的是集散控制系统来对污水处理进行控制。它实现了在线管理、操作和显示的集中,又实现了功能、负荷和危险性的分散。集中控制,分散管理,很大的提升了控制过程中的安全性和稳定性。同时采用了SBR,间歇性活性污泥法进行污水处理。根据SBR法污水处理工艺流程进行了各传感器的选型并根据各个污水处理区段进行工艺流程图的编写和相对应的PLC的自动控制程序。 关键词: 污水处理工艺 SBR法 PLC ABSTRACT With the rapid development of national industrial level in recent years, increasing population density and growing scarcity of natural resources, environmental pollution has become increasingly serious, the human and biological survival environment has become more serious. Water pollution as one of the most important environmental pollution in todays world, more important is the sewage treatment process. Sewage treatment is to control the process of a complex and variable, the traditional wastewater treatment technology, mainly by the manual control, according to the experience of the operator to control. This design is used in distributed control system to control the sewage treatment. It realized the on-line management, operation and display the concentration, and the dispersion function, load and dangerous. Centralized control, decentralized management, greatly improved the control process in the safety and stability. At the same time adopted the SBR, intermittent activated sludge wastewater treatment. And according to the method of SBR sewage treatment process for the selection of the sensor and the automatic control program written for process flow diagram of each sewage treatment section and the corresponding PLC. Key words: Sewage treatment process The SBR method PLC 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc358675498 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc358675498 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc358675499 ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc358675499 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc358675500 第1章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc358675500 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc358675501 1.1本设计的研究背景与


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