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PAGE 哈 尔 滨 理 工 大 学 毕 业 设 计 题 目:基于单片机的智能漏电保护器 院、 系: 荣成学院 电气工程系 姓 名: 指导教师: 系 主 任: 王哈力 2015年6月20日 哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文 PAGE 40 基于单片机的智能漏电保护器 摘 要 近几年随着我国经济的迅速发展,对用电量的需求也越来越大,怎么安全用电成为大家关心的问题。当前主流的保护原理是剩余电流动作原理。但在有些情况下的漏电保护存在死区问题,因此不能有效的实施漏电保护,存在着极大的安全隐患。这些问题在国内外尚未有效地解决,因此需要研究新的漏电保护原理,适应不同情况下的保护要求。电子技术日新月异,单片机长足的发展和应用也带动了漏电保护器的进步,将单片机技术应用到漏电保护器中会有较强的优势,借助单片机技术能够提高漏电保护器的可靠性、灵敏性,实现多功能的保护。 本论文以漏电保护技术为研究对象,先了解漏电保护器的基本结构,然后分析不同类型保护器的漏电保护原理,采用单片机技术进行软件和硬件设计,实现对漏电流的检测,快速处理和显示,设计出高可靠性、低价位的新型漏电保护器。 关键词 漏电保护器;单片机;智能 Intelligent leakage protection device based on SCM Abstract In recent years, due to the scale of Chinas economic construction continues to expand, the rapid growth of the use of electricity, electrical safety issue is very important. In everyday life the principle of power protection equipment due to improper use of electrical or electronic circuit turn is caused by residual current principle. But the presence of the dead zone leakage protection in some cases can not be effectively implemented leakage protection, there is a great security risk. These problems at home and abroad has not been effectively addressed, and therefore need to study new leakage protection principles, adapt the protection requirements of different situations. Electronic technology advances, considerable development and application of SCM also contributed to the progress of leakage protection, single-chip technology will be applied to the residual current protection device may improve reliability, achieve more suitable for users of multi-functional protection. Therefore, the use of residual current protection chip technology has a strong advantage in terms of function realization. In this paper, the leakage protection technology for the study, through the study of residual current transformer for different types of leakage currents theoretical analysis, uses chip technology hardware and softwar



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