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论美术教育在幼儿教育课程改革中的重要性 姓 名:王莉莉 性 别:女 职 称:小教一级 学 历:本科 单 位:望疃镇中心幼儿园 通讯地址:安徽省亳州市利辛县望疃镇中心幼儿园 电 话 电子邮件邮箱: HYPERLINK mailto:513297594@ 513297594@ 邮 编:236700 摘 要 在课程改革的今天,幼儿教育的质量程度在很大程度上决定着幼儿未来的发展。因为幼儿处于人生生长发育的关键时期,其情感在很大程度上取决于生理和心理的需要是否得到了满足。幼儿时期的孩子在情绪、知觉、思维、记忆等方面都在迅速的发展,并发生着日新月异的变化。而如何以美术为切入点来开启幼儿的“思维”,这将是幼儿教育中迫切需要考虑的问题。因此,为了顺应幼儿教育课程的改革,全面提高幼儿教育的质量,促进幼儿和谐、健康、全面的发展,当下的我们需要对美术教育在幼儿发展中的作用做一番新的思考。 关键词:美术教育;幼儿;思维;全面;发展; ABSTRACT In the curriculum reform today, early childhood education quality to a large extent determines the childrens future development. Because the child is in the life growth of the critical period of development, its emotional depends largely on the physiological and psychological needs are met. Early childhood children in emotion, perception, thinking, memory and other aspects in the rapid development, with the change of change rapidly. But how to art as the breakthrough point to open the childrens thinking, it will be in early childhood education is an urgent need to consider the issue of. Therefore, in order to conform to the preschool education curriculum reform, comprehensively improve the quality of early childhood education, promote childrens harmonious, healthy and comprehensive development, now we need to the art education in early childhood development role to make a new thinking. KEY WORDS:Art education; Young children; Thinking; Comprehensive; Development; 目 录 1 引言...............................................................................................4 2 美术在幼儿教育中的作用...........................................................4 2.1? HYPERLINK /meishu/ \t _blank 美术 HYPERLINK / 教育可以培养 HYPERLINK / \t _blank 幼儿对美的感受力 2.2? HYPERLINK /meishu/ \t _blank 美术为切入点,开启幼儿“思维”。 2.3 HYPERLINK /meishu/ \t _blank 美术 HYPERLINK / 教育可以发展 HYPERLINK / \t _blank 幼儿的创造力。 2.4 HYPERLINK /meishu/ \t _blank 美术 HYPERLINK / 教育能促使 HYPERLINK / \t _


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