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3种速生木材的深度染色技术常德龙刘楠胡伟华黄文豪 3种速生木材的深度染色技术 常德龙 刘 楠 胡伟华 黄文豪 张云岭 谢 青 李福海 (国家林业局泡桐研究开发中心 ,郑州 , 450003 ) 摘 要 对较厚木材进行真空浸注染色研究 ,探究染色工艺因子对染色厚度的影响 。结果表明 :抽真空对木 材染色有促进作用 ,随着真空度的增加 ,可以明显提高染色深度 ;不同材种木材 ,染色深度差异较大 ,杨木染色速度 快 ,渗透深度大 ,杉木次之 ,泡桐木材渗透最差 ,染色深度浅 。同种木材的径向染色液渗透速度快 ,弦向较慢 。渗透 剂 PTCH 有利于提高染色液润湿性能 。含水率对染色深度影响明显 ,染色深度均随着含水率的增大而减少 。浸染 时间对染色深度有明显影响 ,染色深度随着浸染时间的延长而增加 。 关键词 木材 ;染色 ;染色深度 ;真空 ;渗透剂 分类号 TS652 D eep D ye in g Techn o logy for W ood s from Three Fa st2grow in g Tree Spec ie s /Chang D e long, L iu N an, H u W e ihua, H uang W enhao, Zhang Yun ling, X ie Q ing, L i Fuha i ( Ch ina Pau lown ia R e sea rch Cen te r, Zhengzhou 450003 , P. R. Ch i2 na) / /Jou rna l of No rthea st Fo re stry U n ive rsity. - 2009, 37 ( 12 ) . - 22~24 A n exp e rim en t wa s conduc ted to study the effec ts of fac to rs affec ting dye ing dep th u sing imp regna ted th ick wood s w ith vacuum trea tm en t a s te sting m a te ria ls. R e su lt showed tha t vacuum trea tm en t p layed a p romo tive ro le in deep dye ing of wood, and the dye ing dep th inc rea sed w ith vacuum degree inc rea sing. The re wa s a sign ifican t d iffe rence in dye ing dep th s of wood s from d iffe ren t tree sp ec ie s. The dye ing dep th of pop la r wood wa s the h ighe st, and then fo llowed by Cunn ingham ia lanceola ta wood and p au lown ia wood from h igh to low. The dye ing ve loc ity a long the rad ia l d irec tion wa s fa ste r than tha t a2 long the tangen tia l d irec tion fo r the wood from the sam e tree sp ec ie s. Pene tra tion enhance r PTCH wa s benefic ia l to imp rove we tting ac tion of dye ing liqu id. Mo istu re con ten t and dye ing tim e had sign ifican t effec ts on dye ing dep th, and dye ing dep th dec rea sed w ith mo istu re con ten t inc rea sing and inc rea sed w ith dye ing tim e p ro longing. Keyword s W ood; D ying; D ying dep th; V acuum; Pene tra tion enhance rs 康 ,生长正常 ,树龄 15 a,树高 15 m ,胸径 58 cm。杨木 ( Popu lus tom en tosa Ca rr. ) 30 株 ,采


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