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35 3 ( ) Vol1 35, No. 3 2009 6 JOU RNAL OF DONGHUA UN IVERSIT Y( NAT URAL SCIENCE) Ju . 2009 : 1671-0444( 2009) 03-0264-06 * 李 刚, 李毓陵, 陈旭炜, 丁 辛, 王 璐 ( , 201620) : 介绍多层机织人造血管相比于传统单层人造血管所具有的优点, 分析了多层人造血管织物的结构特点, 结 合改造的 纬机构原理对多层机织人造血管的设计原理进行了探讨, 并列举了 一部分多层人造血管的设计实例. 最 后, 为验证所提出的多层人造血管新设计方法的有效性, 制定了多层人造血管相应的上机参数和工艺, 并上机织制了 样品. 通过对样品的表观分析和截面的扫描电镜观察, 表明实际结构与设计结构完全吻合. : 多层机织人造血管; 结构; 组织图; 设计实例; 截面观察 : TS 106. 67 : A Design and Manufact uring of Mult-i layers Woven Art ificial Vascular L I Gang , L I Yu-l ing , CH E N X u-w ei , DI N G X in, WA N G L u (Key Laboratory of Textile Science Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 2 162 , China) Abstract: Compared to co ve tio al si gle-layer artificial vascular, the adva tages of mult-i layers w ove artificial vascular w ere i troduced. T he structural feature of mult-i layers artificial vascular fabric w as a alyzed. T he pri ciple of desig of multi-layers w ove artificial vascular fabric w as discussed i light of a ew w eft i sertio mecha ism, a d cited some desig examples of multi-layers artificial vascular. Fi ally, i order to verify the effective ess of the modified i structio a d the ew desig method of mult-i layers artificial vascular, the appropriate weavi g parameters a d processes were suggested. The , the samples w ere w ove . It was show ed that the actual structures w ere i perfect agreeme t w ith the desig structure after the observatio a d a alysis of the sampleps appeara ce a d cross- sectio by sca i g electro microscope. Key words: mult-i layer


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