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Option Exp I icit COPYRIGHT DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2001 9 ;? ;? ?;、*;? ;? “;、?;? ?;??;? *;? *;、;? ?;??;? ?;、?;? ;? ;? ;? ;? ?;? Purpose :创建一个凸轮轴 Assumptions : DASSAULT SYSTEMES Author :cym_sd@126. com Languages :VBScr i pt Loca1es :Eng1 ish (United states) 1 CATIA Level :V5R14 Number Of Cylinders Dim iNumberOfCylinders As Integer Shaft data 一- Shaft or igin Dim iCenterX As Integer Dim i CenterY As I nteger ——Di stance between twocams ——Di stance between two cams of two different cyl inders Dim iCyI inderSpac ing As I nteger ——Bear ing diameter Dim iBear i ngDiam As I nteger —— Di stance between the cyl inders centers camsDim i Bear i ngLength As I nteger cams —— Pin d i ameter between two Dim iPinDiam As Integer ——Distance between 2cams ——Distance between 2 cams of a single cyIi nder Dim iPinLength As I nteger data 一一 Th i ckness Dim i CamThickness As I nteger r 一一 Circle 1 diameter Dim iCi rclelRad As Integer 1 一- Circle 2 diameter Dim iCi rcle2Rad As Integer ―Di stance between the 2 circle centers Dim iCi rcleDi st As Integer P i def in it ion Dim dPi As Double GIobaI data to def i ne the d i fferent eI ernents of the camshaft Dim oCurrentSketchDim oCurrentLinelDim oCurrentLine2Dim oCurrentCirclel-- Sketch andSketch eIementsAs SketchAs AnyObjectAs AnyObjectAs AnyObjectDim oCurrentCi rcle2 AsAnyObject Dim oCurrentSketch Dim oCurrentLinel Dim oCurrentLine2 Dim oCurrentCirclel -- Sketch and Sketch eIements As Sketch As AnyObject As AnyObject As AnyObject Dim oCurrentCi rcle2 As AnyObject — Cur rent d i stanee from shaft origin Dim i Cur rentLeveI As Integer Part definition 1 一一 Part Dim oPart As Part ―Main tool of the part Dim oPartBody As Body r 一一 Def inition of YZ pI ane as work pIane Dim oPIaneYZ As Reference Main program Sub CATMa i n () 一一 Initial ize globaI var i ables i NumberOfCyIi nders = 4 i CamTh i ckness 二 15 iCirclelRad 二 25 iCi rcIe2Rad =15 iCi rcleDist =35 iCenterY =0 iCenterX 二 0 iCyI inderSpacing i P i nD i am 二 100 =15 iPinLength i Bear i ngD i am


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