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扬州大学本科生毕业设计 摘 要 本设计是对某水泥厂回转窑尾除尘系统进行的改造设计。此水泥厂拥有一条Ф2.4/2.641m泾阳型偏心立筒预热器回转窑生产线,其生产能力为5万吨每年普通硅酸盐水泥。 处理烟气量:140000m3/h; 烟气温度:180℃(除尘器入口); 标准状况下入口烟气含尘浓度:≤80g/m3; 烟尘露点:35-40℃; 除尘系统改造后的尾气排放标准应符合GB4915-2013《水泥厂大气污染物排放标准》中的二级标准(30mg·m-3);二氧化硫的排放浓度为200mg·m-3,氮氧化物的排放浓度为400mg·m-3。 根据必威体育精装版的设计要求以及目前水泥企业的除尘设备新的选用趋势,本设计选用旋风除尘器以及袋式除尘器对原有除尘系统进行进一步的改造,并针对袋式除尘器的特点以及尾气排放过程中对二氧化硫和氮氧化物必威体育精装版要求添加填料塔。从而能够更好地完成对尾气的处理,并最终能够达到设计所要求的标准,尽可能做到无污染排放。 关键词:水泥厂;窑尾除尘;除尘器 ABSTRACT The design is about improvement of the tail of a cement factory kiln dust removal system. The plant has a Ф2.4/2.6 41m Jingyang eccentric shaft preheater kiln production lines. This production capacity of ordinary portland cement is 50000 tons a year. Flue gas handling capacity : 140000m3 / h; Gas Temperature : 180 ° C (precipitator entrance); Standard conditions import gas dust concentration : ≤ 80g/m3; Dust dew point :35-40 ° C; Dedusting system in the exhaust emission standards should meet GB4915-2013 plant atmospheric pollutant emission standards accurate the second level standard (30mg ? m-3). the emission of sulfur dioxide concentration of 200 mg ? m-3,Nitrogen oxide emissions concentration of 400 mg ? m-3. According to the design requirements and the existing cement enterprises dedusting equipment selection trend.The design chosen to complete the dust collector cyclone and bag-type collector of the original systems transformation, ESP and the response characteristics of the exhaust emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide requirements added the filling Liu tower. This better completion of the exhaust gas treatment, it can eventually reach the standards required.Try my best to reduce the emission. KEY WORDS :Cemnet plant, cement kiln dust treat, dust collector 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 1. 说明 PAGEREF _Toc10371 1 1.1. 设计基本情况 PAGEREF _Toc5515 1 1.1.1. 设计概况 PAGEREF _Toc28296 1 1.1.2. 除尘系统


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