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宝山壁画 宝山壁画是引人注目的昂贵文物。此壁画发现于阿鲁科尔沁旗东沙布乡境内。1994年列为“全国十大考古新发现”之一。宝山壁画中最引人注目的是《杨贵妃教鹦鹉图》。该画高0.7米、宽2.3米,用于笔重彩绘制,最突出的表现了 晚唐风格。唐代擅长绘贵妇仕女的大师周昉绘制了《杨贵妃教鹦鹉图》,不仅享誉中原,而且还影响全国各地。发现于阿旗宝山古墓里的这幅画,就是契丹人聘请中原画家按照周氏风格绘制的, 技法深得周氏画风的真传。在唐人真迹稀如星风的今天,能够从中完整了解唐代人物画的杰出成就,堪称美术史研究的辛事。这幅壁画现今保存在阿鲁科尔沁旗博物馆,历经千年,恍如新绘,是该馆的镇馆之宝。 欢迎大家观看! * * * * Typical commands: ! Load step 2 F,… ! 10.0 force at desired nodes TIME,1.0 ! Ending time SOLVE ! or LSWRITE ! Load step 3 FDELE,… ! Delete the forces TIME,1.5 ! Ending time KBC,1 ! Stepped loading SOLVE ! or LSWRITE * Typical commands: SOLVE ! or LSSOLVE FINISH * * * * Typical commands: /POST26 NSOL,… PLVAR,... * Typical commands: EXTREM,… FINISH * Typical commands: /POST1 SET,,, ,,0.02915 ! Read results at time = 0.02915 * Typical commands: PLDISP,… ! Deformed shape PLNSOL,… ! Contours * Typical commands: /DSCALE,,1 ! True displacement scaling PLDISP,… * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Typical commands: /PREP7 ET,... MP,EX,... MP,DENS,… ! Geometry … ! Mesh … * Typical commands: /SOLU ANTYPE,TRANS,NEW * Typical commands: TRNOPT,FULL NLGEOM,… SSTIF,… NROPT,… LUMPM,… EQSLV,... * * Typical commands: OUTRES,ALL,ALL * Typical commands: ALPHAD,… BETAD,… * Typical commands: DK,… ! or D or DSYM DL,… DA,… ACEL,… OMEGA,... * * * Typical commands: ! Load step 1 TIMINT,OFF ! Transient effects OFF TIME,0.001 ! Small time interval NSEL,… ! Select all nodes on the dropped object… D,ALL,ALL,0 ! … and fix them in all directions (temporarily) NSEL,ALL ACEL,… ! Acceleration value NSUBST,2 ! Two substeps KBC,1 ! Stepped loads SOLVE * Typical commands: ! Load step 2 TIMINT,ON ! Transient effects ON TIME,… ! Actual time value at end of load step NSEL,… ! Select all nodes on the dropped object… DDELE,ALL,ALL ! … and release them NSEL,ALL SOLVE ... * Typical commands: ! Load step 1 TIMINT,OFF ! Transient effects OFF TIME,0.001 ! Small time interval D,… ! Imposed displacement at desired node(s) NSUBST,2 ! Two substeps KBC,1 ! Stepp


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