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第 46 卷 第7 期 2014 年第7 期 煤 炭 工 程 COAL ENGINEERING Vol. 46,No. 7 No. 7,2014 doi: 10. 11799 / ce201407008 矿井提升系统经济运行特性分析 祝 坚,李玉瑾,张保连 ( 中国煤炭科工集团 北京华宇工程有限公司,北京 100120) 摘 要: 关于矿井提升系统经济运行,过去人们普遍存在经济提升速度的概念。论文通过对 直流和变频拖动系统中的能耗计算与分析,论证在提升机辅助装置、变流装置、电动机内部能耗 不变和加减速度相同的条件下,吨煤电耗与提升高度,提升速度和提升载荷之间关系,并得出如 下结论: 对于给定提升高度和提升能力的提升系统,无论采用较大的一次提升量 Q,较小的提升 速度 V; 还是采用较大提升速度 V,较小的一次提升量 Q,其吨煤电耗均不会变化。吨煤电耗只 与提升高度有关,而与提升速度和提升载荷均无关。 关键词: 提升速度; 直流或变频; 吨煤电耗; 不平衡提升; 经济运行 中图分类号: : TD534 + . 5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1671 - 0959( 2014) 07-0022-03 Analysis on Economic Operation Features of Mine Shaft Hoisting System ZHU Jian,LI Yu - jin,ZHANG Bao - lian ( Beijing Huayu Engineering Company Limited,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group,Beijing 100120,China) Abstract: As for the economic operation of the mine hoisting system,generally people used to have a conception of the economic hoisting speed. The purposes of the paper would demonstrate the relationship between the electric consumption per t of coal and the hoisting height,hoisting speed and hoisting load under the auxiliary device of the hoist,converter, internal energy consumption stable and acceleration and deceleration same speed of the electric motor. The conclusions were obtained as followings. A hoisting system with rated hoisting height and hoisting capacity would have a high hoisting quantity Q,a less hoisting speed V,a high hoisting speed V a less hositing quantity Q and the electric power consumption per t of coal would not be varied. The electric power consumption per t of coal would only be related to the hoisting height and would be no related to the hoisting speed and hoisting load. Keywords: hoisting speed; DC or frequency converted; electric consumption per t of coal; unbalanced hoisting; economic operation 提升设备属周期性动作的设备,电耗和投资是提升设 备的重要经济指标。当矿井提升能力和提升高度已知后, 采用较小或较大的提升速度都能完成提升任务。在设备选 择中为了满足提升能力的要求,如果采用较大的一次提升 量 Q,较小的提升速度 V,则提升钢丝绳、提升机的参数均 增大,设备费用增加,但


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