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课程设计(说明书) (2012届) 电动玻璃升降器的分析与设计 学生姓名: 学 号: 院 系: 专 业: 指导老师: 完成日期: 2014/7/16 课程设计(说明书) PAGE I 电动玻璃升降器的分析与设计 摘要 随着机械与电子、电气的结合的不断加深,汽车玻璃升降器已经快速地从由统的手摇式玻璃升降器向近现代电动式玻璃升降器转变,并逐步向高新型智能电动玻璃升降器过渡。电动玻璃升降器就是在传统玻璃升降器的基础上,加上电动机与减速装置。电动机与减速器是电动玻璃器的关键,设计时应根据不同的要求选择电动机,确定蜗轮蜗杆减速器的相关参数。另外还要与电气结合,实现可控式人性化的电动玻璃升降器。设计玻璃升降器时,还要考虑材料的选用以及制造工艺和安装工艺。 绳轮式电动玻璃升降器是一种比较流行的电动玻璃升降器,主要由钢丝绳、导轨、电动机、蜗轮蜗杆减速器等组成。 关键字:玻璃升降器;机械;电气;电动机;蜗轮蜗杆减速器 PAGE I PAGE I The analysis and design of the electric glass elevator ABSTRACT Along with the deepening of the combination of machinery and electric, electronic, automotive glass elevators have rapidly by the system from manual glass elevators to modem electric glass elevators, and gradually make a transition to high new intelligent electric glass elevators. Electric glass elevators are on the basis of the traditional glass elevators, plus the motor and speed reducer. Motor and reducer is the key of electric glass apparatus, when design, choose different motor according to different requirements, make out the related parameters of worm gear and worm gear reducer. Also, combined with electronic, to achieve controlled humanized electric glass elevators. When glass elevator design, consider the selection of material and manufacturing process and installing process. Rope wheel electric glass elevator is one of a popular electric glass elevator, mainly by the steel wire rope, guide rail, motor, and worm gear reducer, etc. KEy WORDs: Glass elevator; machinery; electric; motor and worm gear reducer PAGE I PAGE I PAGE I 目录 摘要I ABSTRACTII 目录III 一、概论1 1.1电动车窗1 1.2电动门窗玻璃升降器1 1.2.1 电动油压式玻璃升降器1 1.2.2 绳轮式门窗玻璃升降器 1 1.2.3 交臂式门窗玻璃升降器1 1.2.4 软轴式门窗玻璃升降器1 1.2.5 几种常见的电动车窗玻璃升降器示意图1 1.3电动车窗的应用与发展3 二、常见电动玻璃升降器的比较3 2.1交叉式电动玻璃升降器3 2.2绳轮式电动玻璃升降器3 2.3软轴是电动玻璃升降器3 2.4塑料带式电动玻璃升降器4 三、绳轮式单导轨电动玻璃升降器设计4 3.1电机参数确定及选择4 3.2机械部分部件的设计及相关参数的确定4 3.2.1 蜗轮蜗杆减速器设计4 3.2.2 卷丝筒设计5 3.2.3 导轨与钢丝绳6 3.2.4 滑块(滑动支架)设计要求6 3.2.5 玻璃尼槽设计要求7


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