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Mouth ;Pharynx ; Pharynx ; Pharynx ;Tonsillitis ; Pharynx ; Pharynx ;Esophagus ; Esophagus ; Stomach ; Stomach ;Stomach ;Location Mainly parts is situated in the left hypochondriac region Small in the epigastric region The cardia is situated to the left of T11, the pylorus lies to the right of L1.;Structure of stomach wall -consists of four usual layers Mucous membrane Submucous ( loose areolar tissue connecting the mucous and muscular layer) Muscular layer contains: Innermost oblique fibres Inner circular fibres Sphincter of pylorus Pyloric valve The most superficial longitudinal fibers Serous (visceral peritoneum) ;Variations in position of stomach;Duodenum ; Duodenum;Descending part Longitudinal fold of duodenum Major duodenal papilla common opening of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct 75cm from incisors Minor duodenal papilla ;Duodenum ;Jejunum and ileum;Jejunum and Ileum ;Meckel’s diverticulum Persistence of proximal portion of yolk sac Common malformation of digestive tract (2-4%) , more prevalent in males About 2-5cm long and located 30-100cm from ileocecal valve Usually asymptomatic but: May become inflamed (mimicking appendicitis) or bleed; Large Intestine ;Colic bands Haustra of colon Epiploic appendices ;Cecum; Vermiform appendix ;★ Vermiform appendix ; Preileal Retroileal Pelvic Retrocecal Subcecal ; ; Colon ;Rectum ;Rectum ;★ Anal canal ;Anal sphincters Sphincter ani internus Sphincter ani externus Anorectal ring At junction of rectum and anal canal Consists of thickened muscle Contributing structures Levator ani Superficial and deep parts of sphincter ani externus Sphincter ani internus ;;;;;Summary;Pharynx ; Esophagus ; Stomach ;Stomach ;Thanks Pay Attention


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