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PAGE 摘要 目的 针对成都市城市品牌塑造的现状,通过对成都市进行SWOT分析,指出成都市在品牌塑造方面的不足之处,并结合其他城市品牌塑造的成功案例提出改进意见,以促使成都尽快形成独具特色的成都模式,同时希望该模式能够为其他城市的城市营销及城市品牌建设提供参考。方法 文献分析法,访谈法。 结果 成都作为“西部之心”,是较早就加入了城市营销的行列,并通过一系列精彩纷呈的城市营销活动打造独具魅力和个性的城市品牌,目前,成都正在积极建设世界现代田园城市。建议 政府要加强对成都品牌形象标识的宣传力度,并且多承办国际赛事,让成都得到国际的认可,同时加快发展电子信息、汽车制造等产业,进而增强成都的综合实力。 关键词 城市品牌 城市营销 塑造 成都 Abstract Object in terms of the status of Chengdu city branding,this easy analyzes the city of Chengdu through the way of SWOT. There are some weak points was pointed in this article in creating urban brand. In the meanwhile, the author also gives some improvement suggestions after the reference of other cities’ success case in building city brands. To urge Chengdu form a unique pattern of itself, and hoped that the model for other cities in city marketing and brand construction in the city with the reference at the same time. Methods include literature analysis and interview. Results Chengdu, as the heart of the West, has joined the rank of city marketing in the early time. And the city has created its city brand which respects individual character and the charm of Chengdu by abundant cities marketing activities. Chengdu is building a modern garden city nowadays actively. Policy suggestions the government should strengthen propaganda on the logo of urban brand and host more international events. And make Chengdu receive international recognition. At the same time, accelerate the development of electronic information, automobile manufacturing and other industries to Enhance comprehensive strength. Key words urban brand city marketing create Chengdu 目录 1.选题的研究背景····················································1 2.国内外研究现状·················································1~2 3. 成都市整体概述和SWOT分析····································2~10 3.1成都市整体概述················································2 3.2成都市打造城市品牌SWOT分析·······························2~10 4.成都市品牌塑造的历程········································10~


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