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PAGE PAGE 1 《中国对外贸易概论》期末考核 浅析我国农产品贸易发展的现状、挑战及对策 班级:师大科院08国贸2班 姓名: 王炜 学号:0802019100 [中文摘要] 本文着重从最近两三年农产品的进出口情况来阐述当前我国农产品的国际贸易现状、所面临的问题以及针对目前的情况所应该采取的一些措施。农业依然是国民经济的命脉,农产品的国际贸易好坏对我国的经济建设有着非常大的影响,加入多边贸易体制后,我国农产品贸易发展现状是贸易顺差优势渐逝,遭遇壁垒狙击不断,农产品出口结构不合理,经营模式分散等。而在农产品贸易自由化趋势下的贸易保护主义仍不断加剧,主要发达成员方加大对国内农业政策的调整和支持力度,中国在入世承诺的让步和自身农业政策支持的薄弱,使得我国农产品贸易发展面临着严竣挑战。因此,应合理利用多边贸易规则,构建较为现实的农业政策。立足国情,构建强有力的农业支持政策。善用谈判策略,更好地在农产品贸易谈判中维护利益。我们应该重视农产品的进出口所面临的机遇和挑战,尽快消除贸易逆差,真正又好又快地发展社会主义经济。 [关键字]农产品 进出口 农业政策 机遇和挑战 [Abstract] This article emphatically from the recent two or three years on the status quo of the agricultural products to illustrate the current agricultural products in Chinas international trade status and the problems faced and the view of the current situation that should adopt some measures. Agriculture is still the lifelines of their national economy, and agricultural products in international trade depend on the economic construction of our country has very big effect to join multilateral trading system, China agricultural product trade development situation is trade surplus advantage decay, encounter barriers sniper continuously, agricultural product export structure unreasonable, operation mode dispersion, etc. While in agricultural trade liberalization under the trend of trade protectionism is still rising main developed member, intensify the domestic agricultural policy adjustment and support, China in wto commitments concessions and their own agricultural policy support the weak, making China agricultural product trade development facing serious challenges. Therefore, we should reasonable utilization of multilateral trade rules, constructing more realistic agricultural policy. Basing on the situation, constructs strong agricultural support policy. Use negotiations strategies, better in agricultural product trade negotiations maintenance interests. We should attach great importance to produce the import and export of challenges and opportunities facing the, eliminate


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